
Le Pitch ?
OPCURR is the Skills Marketplace that brings visibility and trust to digital work by defining, promoting and securing mutual professional commitments between innovative startups and confirmed-skills experts.

How ?
The idea behind OPCURR is to leverage the OPportunity CURRency within digital communities by creating an online skills marketplace where we analyze digital workforce data to define mutual economic and social compatibilities between the needs of creative entrepreneurs and the skills of talented digital experts using our advanced matching algorithm to efficiently evaluate and select the best professionals to solve our clients’ challenges.

Why ?
Our main duty is to bring visibility and trust to digital labor by securing commitments between innovative startups and talented resources. Our main mission is to advance youth potential by powering today’s teams and investing in tomorrow’s leaders.

  • Hind Salih - Co-Founder & CEO / EDHEC MBA 2018



Startup made in EDHEC


19.09.2024 - EDHEC Grande Ecole
Bienvenue à la première cohorte d’étudiants de la filière Data Science & AI for Business
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