

EDHEC takes the protection of personal data seriously and pledges to manage the data that it collects on you in a secure and responsible fashion. We are committed to protecting and respecting your private life.

Personal data must be processed in a lawful, faithful and transparent manner. EDHEC is also responsible for providing you with clear and accessible information regarding the way in which we use the data we collect on you or you transmit to us.

When you use EDHEC’s website or you enter into contact with us, we collect or you provide us with certain elements of data concerning your person.

This confidentiality policy sets out the principles governing the way in which we process this data and also explains how you can access and update this data and make certain choices regarding the way in which your personal data is used.

We are liable to update this policy from time to time and to publish the new version on our website. This version is dated 15/04/2023.



When using our website or EDHEC services, and more generally when you enter into a relationship with us, you are called upon to transmit us certain elements of data concerning your person, some of which are liable to identify you (“personal data”). This is notably the case when you browse our website, fill in online forms, participate in our events or enrol/register at EDEHC.

The type and quantity of the data collected varies according to your relationship with EDHEC:

  • Your name and personal details: this category comprises all data enabling us to contact you: your family name, first name(s), address, e-mail address, telephone number.
  • Demographic data: your birthdate, gender, nationality, marital status.
  • Data needed for your enrolment/registration: this type of data may consist of a copy of your ID card or passport, you student number, your social security number, your level on the bursary scale, a photo, etc.
  • The name and contact details of a person to contact in the event of emergency (legal representative for minors).
  • Data relating to your studies: your academic record at the time of your application/admission to EDHEC, then all of your grade sheets and other data accumulated during your studies at EDHEC.
  • Data relating to your professional record: professional details, data shown on your CV, skills and expertise
  • Your financial or accounting operations information: this category notably concerns data processed in relation to the payment of enrolment/registration fees, such as bank account ID code, account number and account-holder name, possible guarantor, etc.
  • Your health: the information you give us about your health will be processed in order to be taken into account in your school career.
  • Login IDs: all data needed for you to access your personal IT account.
  • Data relating to your browsing: when you use our websites you interact with them. We collect certain data items relating to your activity on our websites.
  • Cookies: we may use your browsing data on EDHEC websites through cookies managed by a partner. The data used are strictly anonymous and are subject to purely statistical treatment. In this way, you will be able to see personalized banners offering you products similar or complementary to those already consulted and available on the EDHEC websites.



You have the choice to accept or not the cookies except for the cookies strictly necessary for the delivery of our services which will be systematically deposited. For cookies that require your prior consent, you can make these choices at any time by accessing the preference center:

- By clicking on "Manage Cookies" in the information panel related to our use of Cookies.

- By clicking on this link

However, if you disable certain categories of cookies, you may not be able to access certain parts of the site or be deprived of certain features

- From your browser: you can also oppose the recording of all cookies and other tracers by configuring the confidentiality and/or security options of your browser. To do so, we invite you to consult the detailed explanations available on the website of the French authority in charge of personal data protection: the CNIL (click here)

Please be aware that opposing all cookies via your browser settings may lead to the alteration or loss of certain settings or information and make it difficult to navigate our website.

I understand that by leaving this option enabled, I will be considered an Internet user accepting AT Internet's audience measurement data collection in "exempt" (anonymous) mode.

For more information on the type of data collected by AT Internet's third-party cookies and its cookie management policy, please visit AT Internet's website.



We are liable to use your personal data for the following purposes:

  • Manage your application as a student, candidate for recruitment, external speaker, facilitator or expert.
  • To execute our contract with you. Whether you are an EDHEC student, partner or staff member, we process your data for administrative and account management purposes and to manage your relationship with us.
  • To track and manage your studies at EDHEC. EDHEC collects and processes certain data items concerning your person in order to compile your enrolment/registration file, organise tuition and exams, track your studies, offer the support of our incubator for your business creation project, etc.  
    We deploy tools for tracking classes and homework online. The data collected can be used to follow individual paths and improve pedagogy and teaching in general.
    When necessary, lists of students, possibly with their EDHEC email address, may be displayed for organisational or networking needs in connection with your training, in particular for participatory work or sharing of experience.
    When companies intervene in the teaching to animate a module (business game, challenge, etc.), your personal data may be transmitted to them for the organizational and educational purposes inherent in their intervention.  
  • To organise international exchanges and double degrees: when organising exchanges and teaching with partner universities/schools, we need to process and transmit them certain items of your personal data.
  • To provide career support: EDHEC supports you in your career/job-search activities during your studies at the School. Your personal data may therefore be used to compile a book of CVs for transmission to our corporate partners, to organise job fairs or to provide personalised coaching.
  • To manage your internships: internships are an integral part of your studies at EDHEC. We collect all the data needed to prepare, approve and assess these internships. This data is shared with the host company or organization.
  • In relation to EDHEC services: we process your personal data in order to provide you with certain internal services, such as access to library resources or to sports services.
  • To provide you with information on our programmes. When you request brochures online, we use your data to contact you and send you the information requested.
  • For marketing/communication operations. We may be called upon to use your personal data in order to send you correspondence relating to our activities, in accordance with the interest expressed by you. This correspondence may comprise newsletters, invitations to events, etc. You may ask us at any moment to cease contacting you for marketing purposes by writing to:
  • To offer you alumni association services. On joining EDHEC, you benefit from all the services offered by the alumni association of former graduates. Your data is used by the association and its volunteer ambassadors to run the alumni network, assist you in building your career plans, help you in promoting your career or compile alumni directories.
  • Resolve legal matters. We may be called upon to process your personal data so as to comply with requests for information or to defend your rights in relation to legal proceedings.  
  • For statistical, quality monitoring, accreditations and rankings purposes. In order to improve the quality of our services and the School’s performances in general, we are liable to process your personal data or to submit you surveys for the purposes of compiling statistics or overall reports.
  • For security purposes. EDHEC is also called upon to process your data in order to ensure the security of goods and people. This is particularly the case in relation to video-monitoring or for access/badge-management purposes.
  • EDHEC Information System Security: Your activity on the information system is recorded in a connection log which can be analysed for several distinct purposes:

        -    Establishing statistics and indicators to optimize, monitor and modify the information systems;
        -    Detection and analysis of security anomalies or incidents;
        -    Detection of abuse and fraud (practices that are contrary to regulations, internal or educational regulations, or that may involve the responsibility of the institution);
        -    The provision of connexion logs upon judicial requisition.

  • Your health: the information you give us about your health will be processed in order to be taken into account in your school career and, more generally, in the relationship we have with you. In the event of an emergency, we will attempt to contact the person you have identified as a contact person. Otherwise, any other person entered in your file may be contacted.

For all these purposes, your data may be processed in order to be completed and updated in accordance with the principles of Article 5 of the GDPR.

For purposes not provided for above, your data may be completely anonymized before it can be used for these new purposes.



We share your personal data with your consent or when necessary with third parties:

  • Our contractors who provide technical, administrative and pedagogical services, or professional guidance and counselling. Our contractors must comply with our demands relating to data confidentiality and security. They are not authorised to use the personal data they receive from us for other purposes.
  • Our exchange or double degree partners for the organization and monitoring of your curriculum outside EDHEC
  • The companies involved in teaching by running a module (business game, challenge, etc.). Your personal data may be transmitted to them for the organisational and educational purposes related to their intervention.  
  • Mentors or investors who advise and fund projects supported by our incubators
  • Banks or payment firms and organisations that provide financial services.
  • Legal and administrative authorities. To comply with legal obligations, in case of emergency or crisis, we may be required to share certain aspects of your data with legal or regulatory authorities.   
  • The Education Ministry. In relation to the delivery of accreditations and degrees, EDHEC may be called upon to transfer your data to France’s Ministry of Higher Education and Research.
  • National certifications or International accreditations bodies




EDHEC only collects, uses and shares your personal data in accordance with prevailing regulations. We may process your data:

  • Because you have given us your consent. For certain operations such as marketing operations, we use your data because you have authorised us to do so.
  • To execute your contract with us. Whether you are an EDHEC student, partner, staff member or external stakeholder, we process your data for the purposes of executing our contract with you and to provide you with the intended services.
  • To comply with a legal obligation. In certain cases, we need to collect or retain certain items of data concerning you, so as to comply with our own legal obligations, in terms of taxation or security, for example.  
  • Because the processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest
  • Because such processing is in our legitimate interest. On certain occasions, it is in EDHEC’s legitimate interest to process certain aspects of your personal data.
  • Because such processing is necessary to protect a person’s vital interests.



When EDHEC retains personal data on its students, employees or partners, it endeavours to do so in France or at least within the European Union. In certain cases, however, the data we gather when you use our platforms or in relation to our services may be transferred to third (non-EU) countries.

In the event of a transfer of this type, either the transfer is made to countries providing an appropriate level of protection or a level of protection equivalent to that demanded by European regulations, or EDHEC endeavours to enforce the provisions of the European Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data.

No personal data is transferred outside of the European Union without you having been informed.



Your personal data is retained for the time needed to accomplish the purpose for which it was collected or for legally required timescales.

The retention period varies according to several factors and notably to:

  • The needs of EDHEC’s activities
  • Contractual requirements
  • Legal obligations (insurance, taxation, human resources, etc.)
  • Recommendations issued by regulatory authorities

In certain cases, however, your data is retained after the end of our contractual relationship, e.g. to defend our legal rights, to provide you with documents that you no longer have in your possession or to comply with our legal requirements.  

On completion of the intended retention period, your personal data is definitively erased.



We regularly review the technical and organisational measures enabling us to guarantee the security of our IT system and thereby to prevent any loss, alteration or non-authorised disclosure of your personal data.


Your personal data belongs to you and, as such, you possess certain rights. In accordance with prevailing personal data protection laws and regulations, you possess a right of:


  • Access: you have the right to know what personal data we hold on you, to consult it and to obtain a copy.
  • Rectification: if you notice an error, you can ask for the incorrect data to be rectified at any moment.
  • Erasure: under certain conditions, you can ask us to erase your personal data. Please note that we are liable to retain certain data that concerns you when prevailing laws and regulations require us to do so or when we have a legitimate reason to do so (e.g. execution of a contract or to establish, execute or defend legal claims).
  • Restriction: under certain conditions, you can ask us to restrict the use we make of your personal data, for example, during the period of time needed to examine a data rectification request.
  • Portability: you have the right to ask for the personal data you have provided to be sent to you or to another data processor in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format.
  • Objection: in certain cases, you can object to the use of your personal data for certain types of processing (e.g. for direct marketing operations).

To respond to your requests, we may require you to prove your identity.

At any moment, you may also withdraw the consent you have given us to process your data for a specific purpose.  

For all questions concerning this policy or to exercise your rights, you may contact our Data Protection Officer at the following address:


EDHEC Business School
Data Protection Officer
24, avenue Gustave Delory
CS 50411
59057 ROUBAIX Cedex 1

If you consider that your rights have not been respected, you may make a complaint to the competent supervisory authority:

Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés
3 Place de Fontenoy - TSA 80715 - 75334 PARIS CEDEX 07