Financial Aid

Discover our solutions to help you finance your studies at EDHEC.

EDHEC is commited

To promoting diversity and equal opportunities in terms of access to studies and the professional world. EDHEC has tripled its budget for scholarships in 10 years. The objective to enable 40% of EDHEC students to benefit from financial aid by 2025, has now been achieved. This is a strong commitment to attract and encourage an ever greater diversity of talent.

The information presented on this page is given as an indication and is likely to change. The students are informed before their registration of the potential aid available according to their profile and the course they wish to follow.

Equal opportunities

Scholarships according to your student profile

Scholarships by programme:

Master Scholarships and Financial aid

BBA Scholarships and Financial aid

MBA Scholarships



EDHEC is developing and strengthening the "EDHEC For All"1 programme in coordination with its Foundation in order to help diversify access to higher education. The aim of this programme is to help and support our students in financing their education.



among those grantees receive an Edhec for All social scholarship.


40% of EDHEC students receive a financial aid.

EDHEC Financial Aid1


EDHEC scholarships are awarded on the basis of social criteria, by programme and by level.


First-time students (fiscally attached to France)
  • Condition:
    Scholarships granted according to eligibility for CROUS scholarships.

  • Scholarship amount:
    Reduction of tuition fees from 20% to 75% depending on the CROUS level.

  • Duration:
    Applied throughout the school years, if annual proof of CROUS scholarship status provided.

Non-first-time students and/or first-time students (fiscally attached to a foreign system)*
  • Condition:
    Scholarships awarded according to family quotient (lower or equal to 18 000 €).

  • Scholarship amount:
    2 250 €/year to 4 500 €/year, according to the selon le programme and family income.

  • Duration:
    Scholarship over 1 year or applied during all the school years, according to the programme. For Pre-Masters, the scholarship is automatically renewed in M1 and must be renewed again in M2. For BBA students, automatic renewal if scholarship obtained on registration.

* Except from students registered at EDHEC through International Admission (MiM & MSc). Exceptions : CROUS scholarship holders.


BBA student scholarships

Master Student Scholarships



Within the framework of the “Emergence” programme and the ARELI-EDHEC partnership, which aims to provide academic and financial support to young graduates in their professional projects.

75% of the tuition fees are covered for 3 years (excluding the gap year or repeat year) for eligible students selected by ARELI.


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Launched in 2008, the Bourses de l'Espoir scheme supported by the Fondation de Lille enables students from modest backgrounds to continue their studies by providing them with support in building their professional project.

Within the framework of the partnership between the Fondation de Lille and EDHEC Business School, a scholarship of €500 to €2,000 is granted to students selected by the foundation.


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EDHEC Merit Scholarships


In order to encourage academic excellence and promote diversity, EDHEC awards numerous merit scholarships:


Honours scholarship

This scholarship is awarded to first-year students who obtain a distinction in the French Baccalaureate.

  • Profiles: BBA newcomers
  • Amount: €8,180


Merit Scholarships

This scholarship is awarded to the best candidates on the basis of their applications for the 1st and 3rd years.

  • Profiles: First-time BBA students
  • Amount: €3,700.


High Honours Scholarship

This scholarship is awarded to applicants with a GPA (high school diploma) of 3.80.

  • Profiles: International BBA
  • Amount: €8,000.


Excellence Scholarship

  • Profiles: International BBA
  • Amount: €6,000


Merit Scholarship

  • Profiles: International BBA
  • Amount: €4,000


EDHEC Academic Excellence Scholarship

  • Profiles: International students (MiM & MSc)
  • Amount: up to 50% off tuition fees


EDHEC Women in Finance and Data Science Scholarship

  • Profiles: International students (MiM & MSc)
  • Amount: up to 35% off tuition fees


EDHEC Woman in Business Scholarship

  • Profiles: International students (MiM & MSc)
  • Amount: up to 35% off tuition fees


EDHEC Cultural Diversity Scholarships

  • Profiles: International students (MiM & MSc)
  • Amount: up to 40% off tuition fees


EDHEC Refugee of Conflict Zone Scholarship

This scholarship is awarded to applicants who are refugees or from countries in conflict zones.

  • Profiles: International students (MiM & MSc)
  • Amount: up to 75% off tuition fees


EDHEC Make an Impact Scholarship

This scholarship is awarded to candidates aiming for a career with a positive impact on the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

  • Profiles: International students (MiM & MSc)
  • Amount: up to 35% off tuition fees


EDHEC High Impact - Future Chinese Alumni Scholarship

This scholarship is awarded to high profile candidates (studies & experience) and to candidates aiming to have a positive impact on the Chinese EDHEC Alumni community.

  • Profiles: International students of Chinese nationality (MiM & MSc)
  • Amount: up to 50% off tuition fees


EDHEC student loans

EDHEC grants honorary loans to students whose families have difficulty financing their studies.

The honorary loan, amounting to €2,500, can be granted during each academic year. The loan has a 0% interest rate and must be repaid within 4 years after the end of the studies.

Profiles : BBA and Master students (apart from MiM and Msc international students. Exception : CROUS scholarship holders)


EDHEC has set up various payment methods to facilitate the organisation of each family:

  • Payment in one instalment at the start of the course,
  • Payment by monthly direct debit over 4 years to lighten the load.

Agreements with BNP Paribas, the Caisse d'Epargne, LCL and Société Générale allow students to take out deferred repayment bank loans at preferential rates without parental guarantee (under certain conditions).2



EDHEC offers a "study insurance" which protects families in the event of an accident and pays the tuition fees when they encounter major risks (death, cessation of activity and loss of income of the "financial guarantor" following a redundancy, an illness, an accident...).


EDHEC International Mobility Scholarships


To support our students in their mobility and international exchange projects, a grant of up to €4,500 may be awarded depending on eligibility.

Profiles : BBA and Master students (apart from MiM and Msc international students. Exception : CROUS scholarship holders)


Master 1 GETT students can benefit from a scholarship of €5,000/year to finance their two years of international studies.

Eligibility: CROUS scholarship or family income, depending on profile.


EDHEC emergency aid


EDHEC supports its students who suddenly find themselves in a difficult financial situation during their studies at EDHEC, in a completely unforeseen way. They can be referred to various aid organizations and apply for an exceptional solidarity grant from EDHEC, as long as they can justify their change in situation.


Other financial aid

As a student, managing your finances is crucial. There are numerous solutions to help you anticipate and finance this investment. A scholarship? A student loan? We are here to help!

Financial aid


As EDHEC's BBA and Master's programmes are recognised by the Ministry of Higher Education, students with CROUS scholarships can continue to receive their scholarship (application to be made to the CROUS in your region).

Programme/Level Cursus Year Institution
BBA 1-2-3 Diplôme École de Commerce 1, 2, 3 EDHEC
BBA 4 École de Commerce 4 EDHEC
Pré Master Diplôme École de Commerce 3 EDHEC
M1 École de Commerce 4 EDHEC
Césure École de Commerce 5 EDHEC
M2 & MSc habilités École de Commerce 5 EDHEC


Some countries also provide scholarships to their citizens. Students are advised to contact the appropriate governmental entities or organisations.


More information on CROUS Scholarships


Eiffel scholarships are awarded by the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs to enable French higher education institutions to attract and support the best foreign students in master's and doctoral degree courses.


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Some departments or regions also award scholarships under certain conditions. Please contact their departments directly for more information.




The Jacques Lambert Foundation, under the auspices of the Fondation de France, awards scholarships to young students admitted to the first year of business school and selected according to academic and social criteria.


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The DFCG Foundation, under the aegis of the Fondation de France, aims to provide financial support to students who demonstrate excellence in their academic careers, in particular by facilitating access to the finance professions for young people.


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Student loans


Students of French nationality or citizens of countries belonging to the European Economic Area can, under certain conditions, obtain a loan of up to €15,000 insured by the French government.


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International mobility

As part of the continuation of your studies in another European country through the Erasmus + program, you are eligible for various financial aids to help you finance your international mobility.

The amount of the Erasmus + grant varies according to the length of stay and the host country.

Please note: Erasmus scholarships are intended only for EDHEC students currently on exchange and double degree.


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For students enrolled in an institution located in the Hauts-de-France region, the Mermoz scholarship allows you to receive financial aid according to the length of stay and the family quotient to help you follow training abroad.


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For students enrolled in a school located in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region, the PRAME grant (Programme Régional d'Aide à la Mobilité Étudiante) provides financial assistance based on family income.


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Professional experience


Internships are an integral part of the curriculum at EDHEC. They allow students to receive a compensation/salary/pay.


Apprenticeship is the most financially advantageous solution for students: the company with which the student signs an apprenticeship covers the training costs and pays a salary throughout the 24-month contract

Each year, 370 apprentices, i.e. 6% of students, have their tuition fees covered 100% by the company.


Discover the programme


Student jobs and missions are regularly offered by student associations (EDHEC Junior Consulting and EDHEC Jobs Management)


EDHEC Junior Consulting

EDHEC Jobs Management


Aid for student life (housing, transport, insurance, etc.)


Most student tenants are eligible for benefits from the French Family Benefit Office (CAF) to cover part of their rent costs. However, these allowances are not student grants: they are available to all those on low incomes.

To receive these aids, you will have to:

  • Be a signatory to a rental contract (the lease cannot be signed by your parents)
  • Occupy the dwelling as a principal residence (rental receipts must be issued in the name of the recipient)
  • Have an income below the thresholds indicated.

There are two types of housing aid paid by the CAF: the social housing allowance (ALS) and the personal housing allowance (APL). However, these two types of aid cannot be combined.


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étudiant sur le campus Jean Arnault

Simulate your aid

Discover the aid you can claim by using the government platform "1jeune1solution".
In less than 5 minutes, simulate your eligibility for aid according to your resources and those of your parents.


"1 Jeune 1 Solution" plateform

1- EDHECFORALL scholarships cannot be combined (except for GETT scholarships)

2- Information concerning partnerships with various banking institutions is provided for information purposes only and is not contractual.
Students of foreign nationality must present a guarantor in France.