MiM Business Management Track

The Master in Management (MiM) – Business Management is a two-year programme designed to provide you with the academic knowledge and practical skills you need to pursue a career in business management. You will have the opportunity to gain a Master’s degree in your second academic year, after a year of work experience and/or academic exchange with a global partner university. You can also choose to study while you work with our unique apprenticeship track.

Master in Management Worldwide

Financial Times 2024

European Business School

Financial Times 2023

Career Services & Alumni Network in France

Master in Management ranking - Financial Times 2024

Two-year academic programme, plus a one-year professional immersion
Start date
Early September 2024
Application deadline
Closed for the 2024 Intake

Breaking News!

We are proud to announce our latest ranking

#4 Master in Management Worldwide

Financial Times 2024

Preparing you for an International Management career


EDHEC’s Master in Management (MiM) ‒ Business Management, also known as the Grande École programme, is a two-year academic course, taught entirely in English. It is designed to give you the knowledge and skills you need for an international career in business management.


The MiM  - Business Management track will appeal to graduate-level students or young professionals who are motivated self-starters with strong intellectual capacity. The programme awards graduates a double degree: a Master in Management and a Master of Science. It also includes an apprenticeship option, which gives you the opportunity to study while gaining valuable professional experience and being financially independent.


You will acquire the fundamentals of business management, as well as the professional and personal skills valued by employers. The MiM - Business Management track benefits from its close ties with leading companies and the valued support of its corporate programme sponsors, academic and learning partners: Capgemini Invent, Cirque du Soleil, HEC Montréal, initiativesETcité, La Condition Publique, La Redoute, Sopra Steria Next, Microsoft, and Ubisoft.


Your Master in Management - Business Management in a nutshell 


The Master in Management (MiM) ‒ Business Management programme enables you to master the specialised knowledge, skills, and attributes required for success in the business world. Graduates of the programme are innovative thinkers who can easily adapt to change and excel in complex situations. In two years of academic study and a year of professional immersion and/or academic exchange with a prestigious international partner university, you will have a unique opportunity to combine theory and practice and develop highly marketable skills.

students in Lille campus










You will learn the fundamentals of business management through academic coursework and will have constant interaction with business executives. As part of the business management track, you will be exposed to challenging business-related topics from day one.

QUALIFICATION AND SPECIALISATION INTERNSHIPS: The Master in Management – Business Management track offers you an outstanding opportunity to acquire your first professional work experience and to bolster your international profile through work experience. You may also opt for a six-month exchange at a partner university.

Average age

Age range: 19-28

Languages spoken

By choosing EDHEC, you join an international community committed to your success. Our professors hail from around the world, our alumni work across all continents and our students learn and live in a multicultural context. At EDHEC, you join a school with entrepreneurial spirit running through its DNA, from student association life and cutting-edge academic programmes to our start-up incubators and research centres. Known for academic excellence and top-ranked business education, our mission is to prepare you for success in a challenging business environment that demands agility, innovation and social responsibility. Along the journey, you will experience the best of business education, develop your professional and leadership skills, build life-long friendships and unleash your potential.


Guergana Guintcheva

Director, Business Management


The core skills you need in Business Management

Our teaching methods aim at giving you the core skills you need to succeed in a complex and competitive business environment. You will learn to deepen your analytical thinking, develop practical skills and design creative strategies for business success.

The Master awards you with an outstanding training in management through its core modules such as marketing, strategic management, consultancy, law, accounting, CSR, etc. The programme gives you the opportunity to choose from an array of electives to personalise your Master and reach your career aspirations-leading for sustainability in business, graphic design, risk perceptions and decision-making, growth strategy, etc.

Our methodology includes:


  • Core curriculum

    • Embraces the latest technology
    • Responds to trends in the market
    • Co-developed with leading business partner


  • Blended learning

    • Tutorials
    • Lectures
    • Workshops
    • Seminars


  • Applied learning

    • Business games
    • Case studies
    • Entrepreneurship projects


  • Personal performance coaching

    • Interviewing strategies
    • Teamwork development
    • Intercultural communication skills

Core modules are classes that must be taken by all students of the programme.

The primary objective of this course is to help you answer strategic questions important to companies or organisations. What business do we want to be in? How do we compete for resources and create value? How do we organise for and assess performance? You will do this by using analytical tools and concepts. The course largely comprises tutorials, with some lectures; both formats aim to be interactive and value student input. You will work on case studies in relatively small groups and be introduced to each analytical tool and concept in the context of real-world business situations.

This course equips you with a conceptual framework that helps you to understand how businesses generate value and how this value is captured in financial statements. Investors and creditors predominantly look at financial statements, so the course is also highly relevant to the decision-making of managers, consultants, auditors, analysts and regulators. 


On completing the course, you should be able to measure wealth creation, the level of investment in working capital and capital expenditure, company financing, leverage and profitability. The course demonstrates how financial statement analysis can reduce uncertainty and increase confidence in business decisions.

The objective of this course is to provide a solid grounding in the principles of corporate finance (capital budgeting, cost of financing projects, capital structure). You will learn to calculate the cash flows of a project and its return, understand the relationship between the risk and returns of financial assets, estimate the cost of equity and the weighted average cost of capital of a firm, and understand the cost and benefits of debt financing relative to equity financing.

The purpose of this course is to give you a fundamental knowledge of marketing. You will learn the role of marketing in a (global) organisation and how to be a responsible and well-informed decision-maker. With marketing often criticised for lacking (numerical) inputs and sometimes even valid and reliable market data, you will aim to create financially viable solutions for corporate partner and course sponsor Procter & Gamble.


On completing this course, you will be equipped to secure and hold any marketing management position.

A company’s human resources are the most powerful form of capital for organisational success. The question, therefore, is how we can implement people-management practices that facilitate individual and organisational effectiveness. This course will provide you with solid, evidence-based and actionable knowledge of human resource (HR) management. You will learn about theoretical concepts and frameworks to help you diagnose the strengths and weaknesses of HR policies and identify ways in which the knowledge gained in the course can be applied in organisations to make them more productive. 


Completion of the course will give you a better understanding of some of the essential aspects of working in groups, including team effectiveness, managing team diversity, handling conflict and applying negotiation skills to both national and multicultural teams.

This updated spreadsheet modelling course teaches you how to use Microsoft Excel as both a reporting and modelling tool for solving business problems. It is appropriate for both beginners and experienced users of Microsoft Excel. The course begins with an in-depth tour of the Excel environment and includes many helpful shortcuts and tips for mastering its functions. You will apply this knowledge to creating spreadsheet models, powerful tools for analysing data and making business decisions. The course is set in a fictional bakery, specialising in French pastries. You will use the features of Microsoft Excel to study product costs, determine pricing and track payroll. You will build spreadsheet models to help make informed business decisions. 

The REVAS Business Game is a two-day event aimed at teaching you:


  • to incorporate the challenges of business development into cross-functional decisions
  • to assess the relative importance of strategy, management capabilities, finance and marketing in business dynamics
  • to monitor business performance and reflect on your learning process and contribution.

Businesses engage with many different kinds of values that are important to various constituents of society. For example, they can pay dividends, provide work and income, make products and services, consider the environment, avoid child labour and so on. Multiple value creation has (re)gained the explicit attention of practitioners and scholars under the label of corporate social responsibility (CSR). 


In this course, you will learn some of the strategic challenges this poses to managers, as well as the opportunities it promises for developing new business models.

This course examines how the principles and techniques of cost and management accounting can help managers monitor and run a business strategy efficiently. 


You will learn how to collect, analyse, disseminate and interpret management accounting information to inform decision-making and planning.

The digitalisation of organisational processes have become prevalent and fundamental to success. Based on a blended learning approach, the Management of Information Systems (MIS) course aims to help you understand the extent to which information systems can be mobilised to help pursue organisational business goals and answer key business problems that rely on information systems for solutions. 


On completing the course, you will be able to evaluate and manage information technology (IT) projects.

Successful companies need to be able to deliver high-quality products and/or services to meet customer demands in a timely and cost-effective manner. Operations management is the set of processes (planning, organising, directing and controlling resources) that will achieve this objective. 
Through practical experience in teamwork, you will acquire skills in designing processes, applying basic quantitative methods, performing process mapping and assessing the performance of processes.

You will learn how the legal environment impacts managerial decision-making. This course is not based on a technical approach to legal issues but looks at how institutions and organisations see the law mattering to their business strategy and operations.

The course addresses the following questions: What is the importance of and what are the barriers to innovation? What are the key steps in an innovation process and what are the tools and techniques for mastering them? How do you manage innovation in the long run? You will develop your innovative senses and abilities by participating in the EDHEC Open Innovation challenge, during which you will work in teams to solve real business cases provided by operational managers from 20-plus companies, such as Decathlon, Carrefour, Ubisoft, L’Oreal, Christian Dior and PwC.

While IQ is the best indicator for educational status, Emotional Intelligence seems to be the best determinant of one’s level of personal achievement and success in most professions (Goleman 2006). This seminar gives you the opportunity to acquire four of the five Goleman skills: self-awareness, self-regulation, empathy and social skills. The course is also an invitation to a deep understanding and practice of the Science of Personal Development based on the last findings in Positive Psychology.

To succeed in the French dynamic knowledge-based business environment, individuals need to understand the unique French socio-cultural environment. As a potential future French manager, you will need to understand the French workers’ rights and draw the links between business and political ideals. Hence, the primary objective of the course socio-cultural France is to develop the necessary skills to understand the complexity of French business.

As part of the Master in Management programme, you may choose the apprenticeship track, located on our Paris campus. This 24-month, part-time track, created in 2006, has placed 1,550 apprentices (125 places each year) at 300 partner companies.


This track, which alternates one week of classroom attendance with three weeks of in-company experience, offers a unique opportunity to combine theory and practice and to develop highly marketable skills.

Discovering the Apprenticeship Track | EDHEC Business School


[MUSIC] Maria Berrado - Parcours Apprentissage. Morocco.


Quand j'ai passé le concours de l'EDHEC, ça a été très décisif pour moi, parce qu'en sortant de l'oral, je me suis dit "si jamais je suis admise à l'école c'est celle que je choisirai".


J'ai eu la chance de tomber sur un jury très humain, ils essayaient de comprendre les choix, le vécu de la personne, pourquoi est ce qu'il veut intégrer cette école. Et puis ils essaient de faire en sorte de nous aider à trouver le chemin où nous serons le plus épanouis.


Je n'ai pas fait le parcours classique : classes préparatoires école de commerce.  J'étais à  l'université avant, puis j'ai intégré le premier semestre. Le premier semestre, c'est un semestre de remise à niveau. Ensuite, au premier semestre ont choisi le parcours qu'on veut effectuer à l'EDHEC. J'ai fait le choix de faire le parcours “apprentissage européen”. Je pense que la richesse de ce parcours ce sont les relations qu'ont qu'en fait, c'est les gens, c'est le corps professoral..
Je dis ça parce que nous avons une responsable d'apprentissage qui est juste géniale. C'est une personne qui va être très à l'écoute, elle va essayer de comprendre les problèmes de chacun, les difficultés de chacun. J'avais vraiment besoin de cet aspect humain. J'avais besoin d'une école où il y avait de  la diversité et l'école on est une clairement, aujourd'hui je peux en attester.

The apprenticeship track involves a constant rotation between EDHEC and your company and enables you to capitalise on the experience you gain. You will receive a monthly salary and the remaining tuition fees will be paid by the company. It is recommended that you be able to speak French for positions in France. 


For your final year, you will choose between two specialisations:


  • Business management (majoring in marketing & business development or organisational development & consulting)
  • Financial management (majoring in corporate finance or capital markets).


Your first semester is spent on our campus in Lille, where you will take your Master 1 Business Management courses and find your apprenticeship with the support of the Career Centre. Thereafter, you will take your courses on our Paris campus. A two-year contract is drawn up between the company, EDHEC and you, agreeing the terms of your studies and employment and a monthly salary.


To participate in this programme, applicants must have a highly proficient level of French ‒ C1 at a minimum (be very fluent, be able to write emails, contracts, letters, interview and take recruitment tests in French, etc.


For more information on the apprenticeship track, please contact the admissions team.

You can choose your electives from a list of courses.

This course aims to:

  • Give you an understanding of the notion of interest rates on bonds and associated topics (actuarial rate, duration, etc.)   
  • Show you the absence-of-arbitrage principle and its consequence for the valuation of financial products     
  • Present the main characteristics of the most common derivatives and some of their practical applications.

This course will foster critical thinking about sustainability and offer specific knowledge and creativity tools to design innovative sustainable businesses at the era of Anthropocene - when humans are facing together unprecedented global challenges – meeting both planetary boundaries: climate change, biodiversity collapse, scarcity of resources…, and the need for solid social foundations such as : food, health, peace and justice, social equity.

In recent decades, we have witnessed a shift of economic activity from standalone firms to interfirm alliances as greater competition and faster innovation cycles have made it increasingly difficult for firms to develop new technologies and market their products on their own. Strategic alliances between firms have thus become increasingly important as a source of superior performance and competitive advantage. 
This course will teach you how to successfully manage strategic alliances or partnerships at each stage of the alliance process: formation, design, evolution and maturity.

Nearly all large and many medium-sized firms operate in multiple markets, so are implementing some kind of corporate growth strategy. These firms have undergone enormous change over the past 30 years. The merger and acquisition booms of the 1960s and 1980s extended the scope of many existing corporations. New forms of organisation, such as the leveraged buyout partnerships of the 1980s, fuelled debate about the efficacy of corporate hierarchies. More recently, capital market pressures have forced many organisations to reassess their portfolio of businesses, level of overheads and the way they coordinate and control their business activities. You will learn how, in response to these pressures, a variety of new institutional arrangements, such as joint ventures, strategic alliances and virtual firms, have come to prominence.

This course aims to introduce you to the luxury market and its specificities. Throughout the elective, you will go deeper in different subjects concerning brand management like : brand identity, brand positioning, brand equity, communication, distribution, customer experiences and how the luxury market faces new challenges like sustainability.

Discover and master the main graphic design tools for communicating efficiently through printed documents and social media networks.

The concept of gamification has been coined to describe gaming with a business purpose. The process doesn’t simply refer to adding gaming mechanisms to a product/service, automatically making it more performant. Rather, gamification uses game design elements and principles to make everyday tasks more engaging for consumers.


In this course, you will become acquainted with basic gamification principles to accompany a range of psychological principles and techniques. You will then become familiar with relevant tools to help you integrate gamification into the business environment and learn how to engage audiences.

To manage large amounts of data, design customised functions and automate tasks, having a knowledge of VBA is a must. The aim of the course is:


  • to give you a strong basis in VBA and kick-start your discovery of the programming features of Excel
  • to deepen your knowledge of the basics of VBA in order to manipulate multiple objects with user-oriented procedures.

Almost all economic and financial decisions take place in a risky or uncertain environment. The course provides a theoretical basis for and some empirical evidence on the way individuals take decisions in such an environment. It is directly related to the growing field of behavioural economics and finance. 


You will learn why people can be simultaneously risk-seeking in some contexts and risk-averse in others, how to model optimism and pessimism, and how people perceive risk when no objective probabilities are available. You will learn how a theoretical framework applies to various phenomena, from climate change, prenatal tests and Hyundai’s marketing to the equity market premium, the house money effect, the break-even effect, criminality and the intensity of R&D efforts.

This course will present the elements that will allow you to understand why conspiracy theories are spreading so fast and finding their way inside the mind of everyone (young and old, graduate or not). How do we prevent conspiracy theories from booming? To be able to fight them, you must understand the cognitive biases they exploit and learn when to suspend your intuitive judgement when facing complex information or dubious sources. 
The course will help you strengthen your critical thinking and look at media content with a critical eye.

In this course, you will learn about the types of solutions that can be realized with artificial intelligence, and the services on Microsoft Azure used to create them. For EDHEC students, Microsoft fundamentals are the gateway to advanced certification. You will be able to demonstrate knowledge of common workloads and how to implement them on Azure, master the services of Microsoft Azure Technology, work with data and run appropriate codes and design strategies under uncertainty.

This elective is a perfect fit for students, with a computer background, willing to learn about Microsoft offerings, about how components are implemented. The certification presents an opportunity to demonstrate knowledge of the cloud concepts, Azure services, workloads, security and privacy, pricing, and support. 

During this elective, you will acquire the fundamentals of database concepts in a cloud environment, gain basic skills in cloud data services and expand your basic knowledge of cloud data services in Microsoft Azure. For EDHEC students, Microsoft fundamentals are the gateway to advanced certification.

During this course, you will learn and discuss about all the major changes that occurred with the rise of digital and new technologies: switch in business models, new lifestyles, new geopolitical balances, digital citizenship… with a critical look on environmental and social issues, and an overview of emerging solutions to solve those issues in a sustainability objective. This course will also give you tools to use design-thinking methods, with practical applications on innovative case studies. Upon completion of the course, you will understand the environmental, economic and social externalities of a digital world and have insights on solutions and current trends to make the world more sustainable. You will be able to apply design-thinking methods to ideate or solve issues and, analyse the carbon footprint of an activity. .

During this elective, you will get a comprehensive understanding of the corporate restructuring process. You will learn what corporate restructuring is and why it occurs? What are commonly used valuation techniques and how they are employed? How corporate restructuring creates/destroys value? What are commonly used takeover tactics and defences and when they should be employed? How to apply financial models to value, structure and negotiate deals? How to plan, structure, and manage JVs, partnerships, alliances, licensing arrangements, equity partnerships, franchises, and minority investments.

This course will train you to improve productivity by automating business processes, analysing data to produce business insights, and operating more efficiently by creating simple application experiences. The PL 900 certification is the premier Power Platform certification to understand the benefits and capability of PowerApp, PowerAutomate and Power BI tools. 


Michael Antioco
Position: Professor - Dean of Faculty and Research
Discipline: Marketing
Faculty: Marketing

Michael Antioco joined EDHEC Business School as Professor in Marketing in September 2013.

Pierre-Jean Barlatier
Position: Associate Professor,

Foresight, Innovation and Transformation Chair Affiliate

Discipline: Strategy
Faculty: Strategy, Entrepreneurship & Operations

Pierre-Jean Barlatier, PhD, Habil. is Associate Professor of Strategy at EDHEC Business School.

Fabian Bernhard
Position: Associate Professor,

Professor and Researcher in Family Business and Psychology

Discipline: Family Business
Faculty: Management & Humanities

Prof. Dr. Fabian Bernhard is a Professor of Management and Psychology and is part of the Family Business Center at EDHEC Business School in Paris, Lille, Nice and London.

Ludovic Cailluet
Position: Professor, Associate Dean,

EDHEC Centre for Responsible Entrepreneurship Director, Family Business Chair Research Associate, Global Economic Transformation & Technology (GETT) Track Director

Discipline: Strategy
Faculty: Strategy, Entrepreneurship & Operations

Ludovic Cailluet, PhD, is Professor of Strategy and Business History at Edhec Business School.

Grégoire Cauchie
Position: Associate Professor
Discipline: Economics
Faculty: Data Science, Economics & Finance

Grégoire Cauchie, PhD, is Associate Professor of Economics and member of the Economics Research Centre at EDHEC Business School.

Marie-Cécile Cervellon
Position: Professor, Head of faculty - Marketing
Discipline: Marketing
Faculty: Marketing

Marie-Cécile Cervellon, Ph.D, is Professor of Marketing at EDHEC Business School with a teaching expertise in brand management and luxury marketing (ref.

Martin Chour
Position: Assistant Professor, Deputy Head of faculty - Marketing
Discipline: Marketing
Faculty: Marketing

Martin Chour holds a PhD in Marketing and Consumer Behavior from the University of Lille. His research mainly focuses on family consumption and gender marketing.

Gilles COLEY
Position: Associate Professor, Deputy Head of faculty - Accounting, Control & Law
Discipline: Accounting
Faculty: Accounting, Control & Legal Affairs
Christophe Collard
Position: Professor,

Deputy Head of Law, LLM in Law & Tax Management Manager BLM Manager, EDHEC Augmented Law Institute Researcher

Discipline: Law
Faculty: Accounting, Control & Legal Affairs

After his postgraduate research degree in law, Professor Christophe Collard worked for the French government and began teaching at the Lille School of Law.

David Dalmasso
Position: Associate Professor, Deputy Head of faculty - Data Science, Economics & Finance
Discipline: Economics
Faculty: Data Science, Economics & Finance

David Dalmasso gained a PhD in Economics in 2002 from Nice University. His teaching focus to date has been on Economics and quantitative techniques.

Peter Daly
Position: Professor,

Director of MSc in Management & Leadership

Discipline: Leadership
Faculty: Management & Humanities

Professor Daly has worked in communication and management studies since 1995.

Denis Dauchy
Position: Professor,

EMBA Programme Director, Leadership Development Chair Affiliate Researcher, Management in Innovative Health Chair Research Associate

Discipline: Strategy
Faculty: Strategy, Entrepreneurship & Operations

Denis Dauchy, PhD, is Professor of Business Strategy and Director of EDHEC's Executive MBA, with professional experience in business and consultancy.

Arne De Keyser
Position: Professor
Discipline: Marketing
Faculty: Marketing

Arne De Keyser is Full Professor of Marketing at EDHEC Business School (France). His research focuses on customer experience, service recovery and frontline service technology.

Sylvie Deffayet Davrout
Position: Professor, Leadership Development Chair Director
Discipline: Management
Faculty: Management & Humanities

Sylvie Deffayet Davrout, PhD, is Professor of Management and Head of Leadership Development Chair at EDHEC Business School.

Emmanuelle Deglaire
Position: Associate Professor,

EDHEC Augmented Law Institute Researcher

Discipline: Law
Faculty: Accounting, Control & Legal Affairs

Emmanuelle DEGLAIRE is law teacher at EDHEC Business School, specialized in both business law and tax matters. She received her Ph.D. working on taxation of French partnerships with Mr.

Etienne Denis
Position: Assistant Professor,

MSc in Marketing Analytics Director, Management in Innovative Health Chair Research Associate

Discipline: Marketing
Faculty: Marketing

Etienne Denis is an Assistant Professor at the EDHEC Business School since 2018.

Elizabeth Dickson
Position: Adjunct Professor,

Business Communication Coordinator

Discipline: Languages
Faculty: Management & Humanities

Elizabeth A. Dickson, is a Professor of Languages at EDHEC Business School.

Philippe du Jardin
Position: Professor,

IT Coordinator

Discipline: Information System
Faculty: Strategy, Entrepreneurship & Operations

Philippe du Jardin, Ph.D, is Professor of computer science at EDHEC Business school.

Björn Fasterling
Position: Professor,

EDHEC Augmented Law Institute Researcher

Discipline: Law
Faculty: Accounting, Control & Legal Affairs

Björn Fasterling, PhD, is Professor of Law and Business Ethics at EDHEC Business School, member of the EDHEC Augmented Law Institute.

Maria Figueroa-Armijos
Position: Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship
Discipline: Entrepreneurship
Faculty: Strategy, Entrepreneurship & Operations

Maria Figueroa-Armijos, PhD is an Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship at EDHEC Business School.

Ivan Gordeliy
Position: Assistant Professor
Discipline: Marketing
Faculty: Marketing

Ivan Gordeliy has been an Assistant Professor at EDHEC Business School since 2020. His research focuses on Word-of-mouth and on product reviews.

Claire Grevet
Position: Associate Professor
Discipline: Financial Analysis
Faculty: Accounting, Control & Legal Affairs

I first joined Edhec in 1998 as a practitioner through continued banking experience until 2004 when I definitively chose full-time teaching occupation.

Guergana Guintcheva
Position: Professor,

Master Business Management Programme Director

Discipline: Marketing
Faculty: Marketing

Guergana Guintcheva, Ph.D, is Professor of Marketing and Master Business Management Programme Director at EDHEC Business School.

Frédéric Herbin
Position: Associate Professor
Discipline: Finance
Faculty: Data Science, Economics & Finance
Hager Jemel-Fornetty
Position: Associate Professor, Diversity & Inclusion Chair Director
Discipline: Management
Faculty: Management & Humanities

Hager Jemel, PhD, is Associate Professor of Management at EDHEC and Director of EDHEC Open Leadership Innovation Centre for Diversity & Inclusion at EDHEC Business School.

Sachin Kamble
Position: Professor,

Foresight, Innovation and Transformation Chair Member

Discipline: Operations & Supply Chain
Faculty: Strategy, Entrepreneurship & Operations

Dr. Sachin S. Kamble is Professor of Strategy (Operations and Supply Chain Management) at EDHEC Business School, Lille, France. He holds a Ph.D.

Yenee Kim
Position: Assistant Professor
Discipline: Marketing
Faculty: Marketing

Yenee Kim holds a Ph.D. in Marketing and has been an Assistant Professor at EDHEC Business School since 2020.

Karin Kollenz-Quétard
Position: Professor,

Foresight, Innovation and Transformation Chair Member

Discipline: Strategy
Faculty: Strategy, Entrepreneurship & Operations

Karin Kollenz-Quetard is a Professor of Strategy at EDHEC Business School, but also intervenes in customized programs at London Business School (UK), HEC (F) and Duke CE (EU).

Rania Labaki
Position: Associate Professor, Family Business Chair Director
Discipline: Management
Faculty: Data Science, Economics & Finance

Rania Labaki is Director of the EDHEC Family Business Centre and Associate Professor of Finance and Family Business at EDHEC Business School.

Eric Labbe
Position: Professor, Deputy Head of faculty - Strategy, Entrepreneuship & Operations
Discipline: Operations & Supply Chain
Faculty: Strategy, Entrepreneurship & Operations
Konstantinos Lioukas
Position: Associate Professor
Discipline: Strategy
Faculty: Strategy, Entrepreneurship & Operations

Konstantinos Lioukas, Ph.D, is Associate Professor of Strategy at EDHEC Business School.

Patrick Longuet
Position: Associate Professor
Discipline: Marketing
Faculty: Marketing

Professor Longuet has been working in the faculty until 2000. His company experience in Marketing makes him particularly appreciated by the students he coaches for project Management.

Isabelle Lorrain
Position: Associate Professor
Discipline: Law
Faculty: Accounting, Control & Legal Affairs

Professor Lorrain had been teaching law at University level and in numerous institutions for 25 years and she has been an attorney.

Serge Macé
Position: Associate Professor, Deputy Head of faculty - Data Science, Economics & Finance
Discipline: Economics
Faculty: Data Science, Economics & Finance

Serge Macé, Ph.D, is Associate Professor, Deputy Head of the Faculty of Data Sciences, Finance and Economics and Member of the Economics research Centre.

Isabelle Mari
Position: Associate Professor,

Head of faculty - Strategy, Entrepreneurship & Operations
Family Business Chair Research Associate

Faculty: Strategy, Entrepreneurship & Operations

Isabelle MARI is associate professor in Management & Strategy at EDHEC Business School. Her primary teaching areas are Management, Leadership & Corporate governance.

Marie-Catherine Mars
Position: Associate Professor, Deputy Head of faculty - Marketing Nice,

Management in Innovative Health Chair Research Associate

Discipline: Marketing
Faculty: Marketing

Marie-Catherine Mars, Ph.D, is Associate Professor of Marketing at EDHEC Business School. Before joining EDHEC, she worked as a marketing manager in the advertising and fashion industry.

Tristan-Pierre Maury
Position: Professor,

Director of the Grande Ecole and Masters of Sciences

Discipline: Economics
Faculty: Data Science, Economics & Finance

Tristan-Pierre Maury, PhD, is Professor of Economics and Director of the Grande Ecole and Masters of Sciences.

Loick Menvielle
Position: Professor, Management in Innovative Health Chair Director
Discipline: Marketing
Faculty: Marketing

Loick Menvielle, Ph.D, has been Associate Professor of Marketing at EDHEC Business School since 2006. He has been visiting professor at Geneva School of Economic and Management (GSEM).

Jean-Christophe Meyfredi
Position: Professor,

EDHEC International BBA Director

Discipline: Finance
Faculty: Data Science, Economics & Finance

Jean-Christophe Meyfredi, PhD, is Professor of Finance at EDHEC Business School.

Bertrand Monnet
Position: Senior Lecturer, Holder - Criminal Risks Management Chair
Faculty: Strategy, Entrepreneurship & Operations
Camille Pradies
Position: Associate Professor,

Diversity & Inclusion Chair Research Associate

Discipline: Management
Faculty: Management & Humanities

Camille Pradies, Ph.D, is Associate Professor of Management at EDHEC Business School. She earned her Ph.D. in organizational behavior at Boston College.

Rene Profile picture
Rene Rohrbeck
Position: Professor and Foresight, Innovation and Transformation Chair Director
Discipline: Management Stratégique
Faculty: Strategy, Entrepreneurship & Operations

René Rohrbeck is a Professor of Strategy and director of the chair on Fo

Anne-Lise Ronsse
Position: Associate Professor
Discipline: Accounting
Faculty: Accounting, Control & Legal Affairs
Christophe Roquilly
Position: Professor, Honorary Dean of Faculty, Director of the EDHEC Augmented Law Institute,

Co-Head of LL.M Law & Tax Management

Discipline: Law
Faculty: Accounting, Control & Legal Affairs

Christophe Roquilly, Ph.D, is Professor of Law, where he is Director of the EDHEC Augmented Law Institute . Christophe served as Dean of Faculty and Research from 2014 to 2020.

Sabine Ruaud
Position: Professor
Discipline: Marketing
Faculty: Marketing

Sabine Ruaud, PhD, is Professor in the Marketing Department where she is involved in a wide variety of teaching activities for Bachelor, Postgraduate and Executive programs.

Elie Salameh
Position: Associate Professor, Head of faculty - Accounting, Control & Law
Discipline: Accounting
Faculty: Accounting, Control & Legal Affairs

Elie Salameh, PhD, is an Associate Professor of Accounting and Head of Accounting, Control & Law Department at EDHEC Business School.

Isabelle Sequeira
Position: Professor, Deputy Head of faculty -Management & Humanities,

MSc in Creative Business & Social Innovation Manager

Discipline: Culture
Faculty: Management & Humanities
Dominique Serio
Position: Associate Professor
Discipline: Law
Faculty: Accounting, Control & Legal Affairs

Dominique SERIO is Associate Professor of Law at EDHEC Business School with a specialization in innovation and new technologies for entrepreneurial projects.

Michelle Sisto
Position: Associate Professor,


Faculty: Data Science, Economics & Finance
Arash Talebi
Position: Assistant Professor
Discipline: Marketing
Faculty: Marketing

Arash Talebi is Assistant Professor of Marketing at EDHEC Business School (France). His research primarily focuses on understanding the role of emotions in consumer judgment and decision-making.

George Tovstiga
Position: Professor
Discipline: Strategy
Faculty: Strategy, Entrepreneurship & Operations

George Tovstiga, Ph.D, is Professor of Strategy at EDHEC Business School. He holds a doctorate in Engineering Sciences (Dr. sc. techn.

Giacomo Valletta
Position: Associate Professor,

EDHEC Augmented Law Institute Researcher

Discipline: Economics
Faculty: Data Science, Economics & Finance

Giacomo Valletta, PhD, is an Associate Professor of Economics at EDHEC Business School.

Bastiaan Van Der Linden
Position: Associate Professor,

MSc in Global & Sustainable Business Manager

Discipline: Social Responsibility of the Business (CSR)
Faculty: Management & Humanities

Bastiaan van der Linden is Associate Professor of Corporate Social Responsibility at EDHEC Business School and Director of the MSc in Global and Sustainable Business.

Joëlle Vanhamme
Position: Professor,

Academic Director EMBA

Discipline: Marketing
Faculty: Marketing

Joëlle Vanhamme, Ph.D, is Professor of Marketing at EDHEC Business School.

Cédric Verbeeck
Position: Assistant Professor,

MSc in Data Analytics & Artificial Intelligence Manager

Discipline: Operations & Supply Chain
Faculty: Strategy, Entrepreneurship & Operations

Cedric Verbeeck, PhD, is Professor of Operations management and Co-Director of the MSc in Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence at EDHEC Business School.

Philippe Very
Position: Professor of Strategy
Discipline: Strategy
Faculty: Strategy, Entrepreneurship & Operations

Philippe Very is professor of strategic management at EDHEC Business School, France. He is also Robert Reynolds Distinguished Lecturer at the University of Denver, Colorado.

Milos Vulanovic
Position: Associate Professor
Discipline: Finance
Faculty: Data Science, Economics & Finance

Milos Vulanovic, Ph.D, is Professor of Corporate Finance at EDHEC Business School. He is teaching in various EDHEC programs. He holds a Ph.D.


Join the apprenticeship track of the Master in Management - Business Management


The apprenticeship track involves a constant rotation between EDHEC and your company and enables you to capitalise on the experience you gain. You will receive a monthly salary and the remaining tuition fees will be paid by the company. It is recommended that you be able to speak French for positions in France. 


For your final year, you will choose between two specialisations:

  • Business management 
  • Financial management 
  • Your first semester is spent on the campus in Lille, where you will take your Master 1 courses and find your apprenticeship with the support of the Career Centre.
  • Thereafter, you will take your courses on our Paris campus.

A two-year contract is drawn up between the company, EDHEC and you, agreeing the terms of your studies and employment and a monthly salary.

To participate in this programme, a minimum level of French - C1 is strongly advised in order to secure an apprenticeship contract. You should be able to write emails and official letters, draft and review contracts and go through the recruitment procedures all in French. 


For more information on the apprenticeship track, please contact the admissions team.


Gain intense academic and international experience at EDHEC

Studying abroad will deepen your exposure to the political, economic and social dynamics that influence today’s business world.

This global insight can greatly improve your management practices and your intercultural awareness. The knowledge and experience gained while studying abroad will set you apart on the international recruitment market and give you skills that will last a lifetime.


The Master of Business Management programme can be completed in 12 or 18 months and can replace the Master 2 year at EDHEC.
The list of global academic partners can be accessed here


London School of Economics HEC Montreal Polimi





You may complete a short-term or full-year exchange in your final year of study, or between your Master 1 and Master 2 years. These foreign study opportunities will allow you to explore new subjects, develop your international reach and realise a professional project.

Our list of global academic partners can be found here.

The Stanford Summer Session/International Honors Program (SIHP) combines top-notch teaching with cultural, social and geographical activities. As an EDHEC Master 1 student you can study on the Palo Alto campus for eight weeks. A wide range of courses is available, in topics from innovation and data management to verbal communication and economics. On completing the required courses, you will receive a Stanford SIS Certificate.

Erasmus+ is the European Union programme supporting education, training, youth and sport in Europe. It provides opportunities to study, train, gain experience and volunteer abroad. 


Find out more about the Erasmus+ programme here.

Join a unique hands-on 1-semester development project abroad within a well-established NGO or Non-Profit organisation, focusing on the paramount fields of solidarity and environment.

Through this transformational experience, you will unleash your potential as you actively contribute to meaningful causes, embrace the chance of making a real difference, immerse yourself in vital projects that impact lives and the planet. Upon completion of your Global Impact Project, you will earn an EDHEC Global Impact Project certificate and fulfil your international obligation.

EDHEC UNESCO Chair for Organizational Anticipation, Resilient Leadership & Education Innovation

EDHEC Global Impact Projects are supported by the Unesco Chair.

EDHEC’s mission has been to educate future international business leaders through business-relevant academic research and training. We want to help businesses to grow, contribute to the future of young people, meet international challenges in the training field, and develop new academic, scientific, and economic projects.

Richard Perrin - Executive Director for International Relations

Richard Perrin

Executive Director for International Relations


Admission & Fees for the Master in Management - Business Management

The Master's in Management (MiM) ‒ Business Management double degree programme is designed to give you the knowledge and professional and personal skills you need for an international career in business management.

It will appeal to graduate-level, self-starting students or young professionals with a strong intellectual capacity.

There is also an apprenticeship option, which gives you the opportunity to study while gaining valuable professional experience. 

EDHEC seeks talented candidates from diverse backgrounds, with a history of strong academic achievement and demonstrated potential for growth and professional success.

  • Minimum three-year bachelor’s degree 
  • Acceptable English proficiency tests/certificates (TOEFL, TOEIC or IELTS)
    • TOEFL Internet-based ≥ 92
    • TOEIC ≥ 850
    • IELTS ≥ 6.5
    • Cambridge Test of English > 175
  • Strong  GMAT or GRE or TAGE MAGE or CAT* official test score report (CAT* for Indian students only) or CFA Level II
  • CV
  • Letter of motivation
  • Academic transcripts
  • Two letters of recommendation
  • Online video interview 

► English native speakers or those holding a degree taught in English (minimum three years) are eligible for an English Test waiver.

We accept valid GMAT scores achieved through either the classic or new Focus edition equally. Scores will be assessed using the percentile tables published by GMAC.


Please note that if you are holding a French degree, with a visa Bac+3 from the French Ministry of higher education, you have to apply through the Concours AST2.

Admissions for the intake of September 2024 are now closed. Applications for the September 2025 intake will open later this year, in September 2024. 

Your application file will be processed by the Admissions Team and sent to the Selection Committee for appraisal. The Selection Committee takes place on a rolling basis from October to June 7. We would advise you to apply early to make your application stand out.

You will be informed by email of the progress of your application, including the final decision.

  • If you are a new user, you must create an account/sign up.
  • If you already have an account (EDHEC candidate student), please go directly to step 5 by clicking on the "apply online" button. It means you are already in the system, so do not need to "create an account".
  • After creating your account, you will receive a validation email. Click on the link provided in this email to activate your account.
  • You will then receive a confirmation email containing your personal login and password.
    Once you register or if you already have an active EDHEC account, access the online application form and enter your login details.

EDHEC International admissions process

Here is everything you always wanted to know about EDHEC's admission process.

Wherever you come from, a dedicated admissions manager will be there to guide you all the way through your application.

If you want, our admissions manager can arrange your individual consultation session and talk to you.

And if you need more info to make your final decision. You can get in touch with current students or EDHEC's Alumni.

First come, first served. There's a rolling admission process until June.

More questions? EDHEC has strong scholarship schemes to help excellent students reach their dream school. Do ask for details and eligibility.

It doesn't stop there. Our international students office will help you with the French administration process and accommodation. Plus your admission manager remains available once you're on campus.

So let us guide you all the way through. Don't hesitate to contact us now.


  • To avoid losing your information during the application process, please do not refresh your current page or go back to the previous one without first saving your application.
  • You can complete your application in several stages. As long as you save your entries, the information will not be lost.
  • Before going to the "payment" tab, please check that you have not forgotten any element of your application file and that all the information you have entered is correct. Further modifications will not be possible after payment has been made.
  • Application fees must be paid online.
  • After validation, your application will reach the final stage and no reimbursement will be possible, even in the event of your withdrawal.
  • If you encounter any technical problems during the completion of your online application, please email: Contact_iol@edhec.edu.

Important: Please use only ONE email address to submit your online application and to communicate with the Admissions Team.


Apply online

EDHEC's free GMAT simulation test will help you evaluate your current level and hopefully set you off to prepare to take your official GMAT exam.


  • FEES: €43,000* (EU students) / €49,450* (non-EU students)
  • APPLICATION DEADLINE: Admissions for the intake of September 2024 are now closed. Applications for the September 2025 intake will open later this year, in September 2024. 


The EDHEC Master in Management degree is a level 7 qualification (Bac +5) jointly awarded by the French State which confers the Grade Master. This degree is certified by the CNCP (Commission Nationale de la Certification Professionnelle) under the RNCP registration code 25332.

*Tuition fees are provided for information only and are subject to change 

► Please note: Applications will be received and evaluated on a rolling basis until June 23.



  • Tuition fees, including academic exchanges & double degrees (certain double degrees may require additional fees)
  • Access to the EDHEC Career Centre with personal career coaching during your studies and for the duration of your professional life
  • Access, as a matriculating student, to on-campus facilities (incubator, learning centre, sports facilities, etc.)
  • Lifetime access to the EDHEC Alumni community
  • Administrative fees



The International Students Office – a team you can trust


Moving to a foreign country can be daunting, so it’s reassuring to know that the International Students Office (ISO) is there to help. The ISO welcomes more than 3,000 international students annually, helping them to settle in France and lending them support in daily life. It organises orientation events and multicultural seminars to welcome them to the EDHEC campuses in Lille and Nice. The team guides students through administrative procedures before their arrival and during their stay and answers any questions they may have about French systems (medical and home insurance, banking, resident permits, etc.).



Finding you a home from home


Once officially enrolled, we will help you to find suitable accommodation, either in an EDHEC residence or privately owned accommodation. The International Students Office is on hand to provide you with a list of apartments, halls of residence and other types of housing that fit your criteria. You can even ‘visit’ them virtually on our new Housing website. Our team will do everything they can to make arrangements with the owner and secure your booking. They can also arrange to pick you up from the airport on your arrival (where possible) and take you directly to your new home. The International Students Office also organises orientation events and integration seminars to welcome international students to the EDHEC campuses.

Untangling the red tape


EU nationals

European Union students can live and study in France as long as they have a national ID card. No passport or visa are required. 


Non-EU nationals

Before arriving in France, students from outside the European Union must obtain a student visa from the French embassy in their country of origin or residence. Non-EU students must also have a valid passport from their country of origin.
One of the requirements for most visa applications is proof of accommodation in France. EDHEC's International Office is familiar with the visa formalities for most countries and will provide you with the necessary paperwork to complete. If you are concerned about your visa application, you can contact the International Office, provided you have already checked the relevant pages in the Welcome Guide and contacted your local embassy.

Parlez-vous français ?


EDHEC offers complementary French courses to all international students enrolled in our MSc programmes. Our French classes span all levels of ability, from complete beginner to advanced language skills. The goal is to support your assimilation into French culture and give you the linguistic foundations ‒ grammar, vocabulary, reading, writing and comprehension ‒ to express yourself in French.

  • Class size: 10‒25 students per group

Contact hours: 

  • MIM 3 hours per week (30 hours per semester + 6 hours of group projects)
  • MSc 2h a week (15 hours per semester)   

Instructor qualifications: Courses are delivered by an officially accredited French language teaching institution.

International Student Office | EDHEC Business School 

[Music] Title: “International Student Office” 

I just got accepted at EDHEC business school. Now I need to organise my arrival and find 
accommodation. Luckily the international students office helped me all along this process. 

All good, I'm ready. It is now time to reach France. On arrival, three key moments are organised to help me settle in: the welcome session, the services fair and the integration day. 
I get a lot of practical information on different topics such as health insurance, public transportation, life in the city, and so on. 
I met representatives from different EDHEC departments and partners during the service fair. 
I participate in group activities, meet new friends and discover the campus.
Throughout the year, I visit ISO whenever I need assistance in my daily life in France.

Time flies, my experience at EDHEC is coming to an end. The international student office has been of great support before and during my stay, and it will remain available even after my departure. 

Thank you to the International Students Office - Camilla Garcia Biel

[Music] A big “Thank you” to the International Student Office.
Camilla Garcia Biel. MiM Business Management student. Class of 2022.

So my name is Camila Garcia  Biel. I'm a 26 year old international student from Peru, I'm doing the MiM track which is a three-year-long programme. The first year, you start with basic courses, with administrative courses. Then there is a year for professional immersion, and then I specialised in strategic finance and commercial intelligence. The most important thing is that out of all the business schools in France, EDHEC was the only one to come to Lima and actually meet the prospective students. After that I was completely sold. As soon as I knew that I was gonna come here, I was enrolled et cetera.

The first contact you have is with the international student office and they absolutely help you with everything. Starting with the visa process, with the housing process... They also help with anything you really need. 
So arriving in France, what surprised me, for very good like very positive, was the international environment that I experienced living in the residence and coming to school. I was immediately in contact with people from different countries that I had never seen. And what scared me a little bit, was that the French level that i had before coming and the French level needed to be here. The gap was obvious, but people, especially in Lille, were very nice when I was trying to communicate with them. Even if i was using some English words or even some Spanish words, they were really nice.

The reason why I chose France as my home, is that it's the perfect balance from a latino point of view of the latin culture and the European culture. In the daylight  you can see the difference and in the nightlife you can see the similarities. Differences and similarities that, at the end, really helped me develop myself as a person. And I think that's something that every international goes through and learns from. My first memory at EDHEC, it's the full day as i call it. It's the first day that we gather in the main hall and then we have outdoors activities, and then we eat together, they introduce us to the programme, they introduce us to the school. Being able to experience the location and the classes and the buildings, which are amazing, it's like a reality shock but a very positive one. 

So if i had the all the amazing team from the ISO or the international student office members in front of me, the first thing that i would say would be definitely "thank you"!

Thank you, and thank you... Thank you for your help, thank you for your patience, thank you for your time. They really make the difference in the transition. The job that they're doing in that assistance, it's beyond what I've heard from other friends from other schools, from even other countries. For example, during the pandemic, they were very active and they helped us. And they sent us links for call centres, in case you needed to talk to someone, like psychological call centres and nutritionists, like they really take care of us in a very global aspect. I would just say thank you many times. The international office helps us because for example, they organise different cultural nights. The school has a lot of associations and many of them work with international students, for example, there's one called "Open Up" and they organise trips for international students. There are many ways to feel not or not feel homesick, and at the end of the course,  it's a very amazing place to make amazing friends and that also helps.

[Music] Make an impact. EDHEC logo

When is the programme application deadline? 

Admissions for the intake of September 2024 are now closed. Applications for the September 2025 intake will open later this year, in September 2024.


Do you accept scanned documents?

Yes, you can make scanned colour copies of the documents required


Should the application file and the two recommendation letters be typed or written by hand?


Letters of recommendation must be on official letterhead, signed and/or stamped (official stamp from the School/University or the Company). Your referees can use our recommendation template or they can choose to write their own letter using the Company/School’s official letterhead. Letters of recommendation that don’t follow the above requirements will not be accepted. 


Will the International Admissions’ Team contact my referees to request letters of recommendation?

EDHEC will not contact your referees. You must ask your referees to send their letters to you directly and you will need to upload the letters directly on your application (documents tab).


Will I have an interview with the Programme Manager?

Students that apply to our MIM or MSc programmes will not have a direct interview with the Programme Manager unless the Programme Director deems it necessary.


How is the online interview conducted?

Once your online application is completed and validated by your recruitment manager, the International Admissions Team will send you a link to conduct your online video interview in English. It comprises six questions on your motivation, your interest in the programme and your previous experience (professional, group work, etc.). There are no right or wrong answers. You will have a practice session before you start the actual interview. Once you have completed the interview, it will be sent, along with your application file, to the Selection Committee.


Can I apply for more than one programme?

  • Yes, you can apply for two programmes. A separate motivation letter is required for each programme.
  • Motivation letter template

What are the minimum scores expected?

  • TOEFL Internet-based ≥ 92 (/120)
  • TOEIC ≥ 850 (/990)
  • IELTS ≥ 6.5 (/9.0)
  • Cambridge Test of English ≥ 175


What is the EDHEC institutional code for TOEFL?

  • The code is 0663.


Can I apply for a waiver?

English native speakers or those holding a degree taught in English (minimum three years) are eligible for an English test waiver.

As a reminder, aptitude tests* are required for some programmes and optional for others. Please see the “admissions requirements” for your programme of choice.

Students must assign EDHEC as one of their score recipient institutions at the end of their test.

We accept valid GMAT scores achieved through either the classic or new Focus edition equally. Scores will be assessed using the percentile tables published by GMAC.



MSc & Global MBA Double-Degree: 3QQ-WQ-62
MIM Global Economic Transformation & Technology: 3QQ-WQ-06
Master in Management, Business Management: 3QQ-WQ-05
Master in Management, Finance: 3QQ-WQ-36
Master in Management, Data Science & AI for Business: 3QQ-WQ-34
MSc in Creative Business & Social Innovation: 3QQ-WQ-60 
MSc in Data Analytics & Artificial Intelligence: 3QQ-WQ-82
MSc in Entrepreneurship & Innovation: 3QQ-WQ-77 
MSc in Global & Sustainable Business: 3QQ-WQ-16
MSc in Management & Leadership: 3QQ-WQ-54 
MSc in Marketing Management: 3QQ-WQ-47
MSc in Strategy, Organisation & Consultancy: 3QQ-WQ-84
LL.M. in Law & Tax Management: 3QQ-WQ-26 
MSc in Corporate Finance & Banking: 3QQ-WQ-73
MSc in International Finance: 3QQ-WQ-98
MSc in Financial Engineering: 3QQ-WQ-69
MSc in Accounting & Finance: 3QQ-WQ-04



EDHEC Master in Management: 6564
EDHEC Master of Science: 6563


*(GMAT/GRE/TAGE MAGE/CFA level II (for finance programmes only)/CAT official test score report for Indian students only)


Is an aptitude test compulsory?

Please see the “admissions requirements” for your programme of choice. In general, aptitude tests are required for all finance programmes and for the Master's in Management Grande École programme.


Can I add an unofficial GMAT score report to my application?

You will get an unofficial score report immediately after taking your exam. You can send it to the Recruitment Office as an additional supporting document when applying. This document will be accepted provisionally as part of your application. The official report will be required to confirm your place.

Is there any help for students with regard to campus housing?


Once officially enrolled, you will receive help to find suitable accommodation, either in EDHEC residences or in privately owned apartments. EDHEC's International Students Office (ISO) is familiar with the visa formalities of most countries and will provide you with the necessary paperwork for completion. Should you have any concerns about your visa application, you can contact the ISO, provided you have already checked the relevant pages in the Welcome Guide and contacted your local Embassy. One requirement for most visa applications is proof of accommodation in France. Again, the ISO is on hand to provide you with a list of apartments, halls of residence and other types of housing, depending on your criteria. You can even "visit" them virtually on our new housing website. The team will do everything it can to make arrangements with the property owner and secure your booking. It can also pick you up from the airport on the day of your arrival (where possible) and take you directly to your new home.

When must my tuition fees be paid?

Within 2 or 3 weeks depending on the admissions period.


How does financial aid apply to the tuition fees?

Financial aid applies to the second and third instalments of the MSc programme fees and to the second, third and fourth instalments of fees for the MIM programme.

What is the EDHEC Career Centre?

  • The Student Career Centre is dedicated to helping students find a job or an internship.
  • 60,000 internships and 33,500 job offers are posted on EDHEC’s dedicated jobs board every year.


Complementary French courses are offered to all international students enrolled in our MSc programmes. Our French classes cover all learning levels, from complete beginner to advanced language skills. The goal is to support your integration into French culture and give you the linguistic foundations ‒ grammar, vocabulary, reading, writing and listening ‒ to express yourself in the French language.

  • Class size: 10-25 students per group
  • Contact hours: 
    • MIM 3 hours per week (30 hours per semester +6 hours group projects)
    • MSc 2 hours per week (15 hours per semester)   
  • Instructor qualifications: Courses are held by an officially accredited French language teaching institution.



Prepare your career in Business Management 


Boost your employability

Understanding and developing the attributes and skills employers require is key to employability. This is why the EDHEC Career Centre offers a programme specifically designed to help master’s students map out and achieve their career goals ‒ the EDHEC Career Booster. The programme looks at students' specific needs, wants and goals when it comes to professional development and matches them to job-market requirements. Eighty percent of our EDHEC Career Services for students are tailored to individual needs and career goals.

Some of the career paths your can pursue:

  • Corporate and social responsibility manager
  • Marketing manager
  • Digital marketing manager
  • Business development manager
  • Sales manager
  • Business analyst
  • Research analyst
  • HR manager
  • Operations manager

Through a four-step programme that includes self- and 360-degree assessment, you will get to know yourself better, identify your strengths, key attributes and areas for development, and map out your career goals and job-search strategy. You will benefit from year-round, individual career advice from dedicated counsellors, external experts and coaches, both on campus and remotely, as well as personalised coaching based on our in‑house assessment

Through voluntary and mandatory career training, workshops, CV clinics and assessment centres, you will hone your skills and learn to master the most competitive recruitment processes. As an MSc student, you will benefit from customised training by industry, market and function, in addition to individual mock interviews, including technical interviews and case practice. EDHEC Career Centre also offers a fully online career development programme that allows you to train at your own pace, in line with your goals.

EDHEC Career Centre organises more than 120 events annually, focusing on industry-specific insights or jobs, market trends and companies. It also organises four company trips to Dublin, London, Luxembourg and Paris. You will have access to exclusive internships and job offers. 

  • 60,000 internships and 33,500 job offers posted on EDHEC’s dedicated jobs board every year
  • 40% international mobility in our master’s degrees
  • 400+ companies involved in our events every year, 20% of them international 
  • 100+ corporate partners   
  • 300+ regular recruiters


Our Career Centre provides the following services: 

  • Individual career counselling (on campus, by phone, via skype) with internal and external counsellors
  • Help to define your career goals and search strategy
  • CV and cover-letter editing in English and French
  • Career training and workshops (CV, cover letters, application forms, interview skills, networking, social media, personal branding, etc.)
  • Graduate programmes
  • On-campus events
  • Off-campus events
  • Website with a wealth of career resources
  • Placement reports
  • The Teaching Factory concept


of jobs have an international dimension








All EDHEC students join our esteemed Alumni Association from day one and benefit from all of the advantages this brings. The Alumni Association comprises 55000 graduates in 140 countries. This friendly and supportive community of business leaders organises events and meetings throughout the year to facilitate contacts, exchanges and networking, while supporting the students in charting their career plans and helping graduates to promote their businesses and career. EDHEC Alumni is also a hub for disseminating best practices, shared values and the school’s vision of business for the good of society.


Discover EDHEC Alumni network


How to finance your Master’s?


As part of its strategic plan to "Impact Future Generations", EDHEC has committed to enabling talented students to pursue their studies through a diverse and transparent scholarship scheme. The French Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs also offers a large number of grants and scholarships, and there are numerous bodies worldwide supporting the study of international students wishing to embark on a master’s programme. Below is a comprehensive overview of the scholarships, grants and loans available.

EDHEC Business School's comprehensive scholarship scheme aimed at MIM & MSC candidates

So my name is Michelle Sisto I am the associate Dean for graduate studies at EDHEC Business School. So within that perimeter, it englobes the PhD programme, our
programme Grande Ecole, Master in Management and all of our specialised MSc programmes.


“What types of scholarships and financial aid does EDHEC offer to international students?”

Regarding scholarships available for international students, and even for our French students, EDHEC has a strong belief in making education possible for students coming from diverse horizons, backgrounds, and have both the economic levels and what they studied previously, regional differences, and so we've put in place a multitude of opportunities for scholarships to encourage that diversity in our classrooms. We have some scholarships that are academic merit-based, aiming for excellence in the profile of students. We have some scholarships that are more oriented for particular regional areas, and we have some scholarships that are also oriented towards diversity. For example, women in finance and women in data science, where we see that we still don't have a sufficient number of women in those areas in the profession, and also in the programmes. And then we also have scholarships
that can be requested, when students are actually in the programme, should there be an instance where somebody's situation changes dramatically while they're already a student here. We have a special commission that looks at changes in the situation for exceptional scholarships.


“What is a merit-based scholarship and what are the selection criteria?”

So our merit-based scholarships are really based on the profile of our candidates. What we're looking at, when students apply to our programme Grande Ecole and to our MSc programmes, we're looking at their full profile. So their academic background, how they perform in their previous academic studies… We're looking at things like their score on GMAT or the TAGE MAGE or the CAT exam, some kind of aptitude test. We're also looking at the type of school that they went to previously, but that's not the major issue.
It's really where they were. Did they perform really well? And as EDHEC academic excellence is a key driving force for education, we want to offer scholarships to encourage those types of profiles to come to EDHEC. Because we know they have choices amongst diverse, very strong schools, and our aim is to bring the very brightest and the best to EDHEC.


“How does EDHEC approach need-based scholarships for international students?

For need-based scholarships, we have one system for our French students, and then for international students, we're looking at the profiles of our students. What we will look at
is, what is their overall situation, what is their profile and how can we make an offer to them that would render their participation and education in EDHEC more feasible for them.


“Describe EDHEC’s new approach to scholarships”

As I mentioned earlier EDHEC really believes in bringing diverse and excellent profiles to our school, and so our approach in terms of scholarships is evermore going in the direction of diversity and inclusion. So we're currently offering, as I mentioned, a scholarship for women in data science and in finance. We also have scholarships that are called the “make and impact” scholarship, and “make an impact” is our tagline at EDHEC. Our strategic plan is really EDHEC for future generations, and so we're looking for this “make an impact” scholarship, for students who have shown in the past that they're willing to engage in their local communities and environmental projects. With coming to EDHEC, the education that they're going to receive here, is going to propel them forward to the next step where they'll make an impact, a further impact, and so what we do for that scholarship is, we ask students to apply with an essay and tell us something about what they've done in the past and where they wish to go. And so for those students, we have a special scholarship. We're also looking to increase now, in line with our strategic plan, for greater diversity and inclusion on socioeconomic as well as cultural, regional, gender differences, and expand our portfolio of scholarships. So we're working on offering more scholarships for high potential women, specific scholarships for certain regions. In terms of regional scholarships we already have some for example: with the French embassy in India we have a special scholarship that pays up to 15 percent of students tuition fees, likewise in Russia with a scholarship that's a hundred percent for a student applying for an MSc with an excellent profile. We work with Campus France. We also have Eiffel scholarships. In Colombia for example, we work with local players like ColFuturo and there's lots of information on the website so anyone who's wishing to apply to EDHEC should definitely look at the “financing your studies” part and reach out to our admissions team to get more information as to what financing is available from their particular region. As we move forward, we will continue to expand this offer both in terms of the number of scholarships and in terms of the amount.
Currently EDHEC issues about 5 million euros in scholarships every year across our graduate studies. About a quarter of all of our students do receive some type of financial aid, and part of our plan moving forward is to expand that to an even higher percentage of students. And for some of our students, to go all the way up to 75% of tuition fees that would be covered for those who are the most in need, notably students coming from particular backgrounds or potentially zones of conflict, or refugees and, or recent immigrants from areas that have been touched negatively by world events.


“Why is diversity important to EDHEC? How does it relate to your mission to make an impact?”

Well thank you for that question, I think that you know we're in the age that we're living in right now, we've seen that diversity and inclusion is a global issue. We have some researchers within our school, who study the positive impact of diversity and inclusion on the performance of companies. But we believe that diversity and inclusion is essential, to bring a diversity of perspectives to solving some of the major societal stakes that we're facing right now, the challenges that we're facing. So what do we mean by that? Now when we talk about women in finance and women in data science, with the algorithms that are currently directing quite a bit of our lives right now. If the data that goes into those algorithms or the people who are writing those algorithms are not representative of the society at large, then we may end
up with situations where they're detrimental to certain aspects of certain groups in society.
Algorithms that scan CVs, algorithms that give us suggestions for what we should be reading or watching or eating even. So I think that diversity is necessary to have a more equitable society. Things like climate change, bringing together people who come from diverse backgrounds around the world, seeing how its impacts differ around the world and how we can globally work together to find solutions. Of course the strongest element recently is the global pandemic, and we can see that something like this can only be solved by global collaboration.
So bringing together people from all over the world and these diverse perspectives, what we hope to do is to encourage our students to grow into leaders with a global perspective, in order to collaboratively solve some of the big problems that we're facing now.


"Are your scholarships fee waivers only or do you also offer financial support for travel, housing, and other study expenses?”

Currently EDHEC’s scholarships focus on the tuition fees, although some of the people that we partner with do offer stipends for living, for example the Eiffel scholarship. To be eligible for the Eiffel scholarship, students need to apply and be admitted before early December but that is a scholarship that is within the French ministry and that covers about 1200 euros a month stipend for students in order to cover living expenses, rent…and there are some scholarships that also look at fees for the flights to and from France. So it varies but the bulk of our scholarships are really just focused on the tuition fees.


“Any scholarship application tips you’d like to offer?”

My first tip would be to make a request. Don't hesitate to make a request. As they often say: if you don't ask, you certainly don't receive. So not to be shy in reaching out and aiming for one of our scholarships. I think another tip would be, for the scholarships that require essays, to take the time to build an essay that really responds to the question that's asked for the particular scholarship, and make it quite personal. What we want to do, when we're evaluating these essays, is get to know the person behind that essay. What's their real desire to make an impact for example, if it's in line with the sustainable development goals, and convince us
that you're somebody who would bring your expertise, your enthusiasm, your drive, and your values to our community, here at EDHEC. And lastly, I would say, be absolutely authentic in what you say and what you write.


“Is there anything else you’d like to share?”

So I'd just like to add, that you know, beyond the direct scholarships that we've talked about here, at EDHEC there's an institution-wide number of initiatives in order to offer our education and render education more affordable to a wide group of candidates. For example, in our undergraduate programmes, there are students working on a programme that's called “Cordée de la réussite”, where they're going into local high schools, that tend to have and be in areas, that are considered considered disadvantaged or that don't have as high proportion
that go into higher education, to encourage those students to believe that they can access and succeed in higher education. And then we offer up to 75 percent of fees for students who come through that path. In addition, over the last year, I think one area that we're very happy with and grateful for, is during the pandemic we made a call out to all of our alumni and to some of our corporate partners to request additional funding for direct additional scholarships to students. Unfortunately, we had a number of students over time whose family situations changed. Either their family business had a problem or that sadly there was some severe illness or even death in the family. So we wanted to make sure that those difficult events didn't also have an impact on our students' ability to continue with their education. And our alumni really stood up to the call and we raised close to a half a million euros for direct additional aid to our students. So I think there's a very strong sense of community at EDHEC,
and we hope that the students for whom we can make this extra offer available, will continue to be part of that community as they move on to their careers afterwards, and be part of a virtuous cycle of ongoing financing of studies for everyone.


Scholarships and financial aid can be critical factors when it comes to embarking on a master’s programme, so we aim to make the process as simple as possible. All candidates who are accepted are automatically considered for an EDHEC scholarship. The decision of the Scholarship Committee will be conveyed by email in tandem with the admissions decision. No additional documentation is required, other than for scholarships marked with an asterisk (*).


The EDHEC Academic Excellence Scholarship offers high-potential candidates up to a 50% reduction in their tuition fees. The scholarship supports high-profile candidates based on the excellence of their academic profile, extensive experience and/or extracurricular activities.


Application deadline: 

  • 7 June for MSc
  • 23 June for MiM

A select range of country and sector-specific scholarships are also available:

  • EDHEC Women in Finance and Data Science Scholarship ‒ up to 50% reduction on tuition fees
  • EDHEC Women in Business Scholarship ‒ up to 50% reduction on tuition fees
  • The EDHEC Julie Moon Scholarship for Korean Women is offered to 2 Korean Women students (Master in Management or Master of Science) and covers up to 50% reduction on tuition fees.
    Deadline: 15 May
  • EDHEC Cultural Diversity Scholarship ‒ up to 40% reduction on tuition fees
  • EDHEC Refugee or Conflict Zone scholarship ‒ EDHEC is proud to welcome master’s students who are refugees or from conflict-affected nations, in line with the School’s aim to promote peace, diversity and inclusion worldwide. One of the main ways we can help is to provide financial assistance up to 75% reduction on tuition fees, giving candidates an opportunity to receive quality higher education at EDHEC.
    • Who can apply? During our admissions process, we take into account the context in which applicants have achieved their academic qualifications. If your application is accepted, you will be notified simultaneously as to whether you have been granted an EDHEC Refugee or Conflict Zone scholarship.


  • The EDHEC Make an Impact Scholarship* is open to Master in Management and Master of Science applicants and covers up to 35% reduction on tuition fees.
    • How to apply: Students who wish to apply for the EDHEC Make an Impact Scholarship must submit an essay of 1,000 to 1,500 words along with their application, detailing their career plan. The essay should describe their prior experience, explain how the Master of their choice will contribute to their career plan, and detail their personal motivation for making an impact on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) throughout their career. 


  • The EDHEC High Impact ‒ Future Chinese Alumni Scholarship* is a co-sponsored scholarship with the EDHEC China Alumni Club. It awards 10 Chinese students who plan to make an impact on the EDHEC China Alumni community up to 50% reduction on their tuition fees.
    • Who can apply: Chinese students who have been accepted into an EDHEC Master's programme with high scores from the Selection Committee.
    • How to apply: Students who wish to apply for this scholarship should write an essay describing their prior experience, explaining how the Master of their choice will contribute to their career plan. Applicants to this scheme will be invited to participate in an online interview.
    • Deadline: 15 May.

EDHEC scholarships cannot be combined.

  • The EDHEC-French Embassy Co-Financed Scholarship in India is a joint initiative of EDHEC Business School and the Embassy of France in India. This scholarship is offered to two Indian students (two 50% scholarships for MiM Programmes) with excellent academic backgrounds and clear career objectives.
    • Who can apply: Indian students who have been accepted into EDHEC's Master in Management programmes with high scores from our Selection Committee.
    • How to apply and application deadline: Students must complete their application by 15 May and, if accepted, confirm their place by 31 May.
    • More information: Please contact EDHEC Country Manager for India Nilesh Gaikwad at international.admissions@edhec.edu.

Through strong, established partnerships with local and international bodies, EDHEC has secured a number of grants and financial aid to help talented students embark on their dream academic programme.



  • The QS-EDHEC Scholarship is an exclusive scholarship for participants in the QS World Grad School Tour. Scholarship value: 50% reduction in tuition fees.


  • EDHEC, exclusively for e-fellows.net students and Master’s Day participants


  • Colfuturo (Fundación para el Futuro de Colombia)





  • Fundación Mexicana Para La Educación, La Tecnología y La Ciencia (FUNED
  • Bourse Banco de México – FIDERH (Fondo para el desarrollo de Recursos Humanos)


  • Bourse 'AVENIR' Scholarships from the French Embassy in Spain

The EIFFEL Scholarship programme offers financial support of more than €1,000 per month to high-calibre international candidates. EIFFEL also offers financial support of around €1,200 per month to high-achieving international candidates. The scholarship is financed and managed by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development.


Applications for the EIFFEL Scholarship need to be submitted to EDHEC by 1 December. To apply for an EIFFEL Scholarship, you will first need to be accepted onto one of EDHEC’s master’s programmes and confirm your place no later than the end of November. You can do this by paying a deposit equivalent to the first semester’s tuition fees. Students can only apply for EIFFEL through one academic institution and that institution applies on the student’s behalf once they are enrolled. The results are usually published by Campus France by March/April the following year. Students who are not awarded an EIFFEL scholarship are generally offered a EDHEC Excellence Scholarship instead, but the two cannot be combined.

The EIFFEL Scholarship offers financial support of around €1,200 per month to high-achieving international candidates. The scholarship is financed and managed by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development.


Who can apply:
Any students under the age of 25 with track record of academic excellence:

  • A GMAT score of 650 or above (GRE accepted)* 
  •  *Please note that this is not mandatory for programmes not requiring a GMAT test 
  • Acceptable English proficiency tests/certificates (TOEFL, TOEIC or IELTS)
    • TOEFL Internet-based ≥ 92
    • TOEIC ≥ 850
    • IELTS ≥ 6.5
    • Cambridge Test of English > 175
  • Excellent academic records (GPA)
  • Strong motivation and clear objectives
  • Awards, previous scholarships, achievements, etc.

Deadline: Completed applications must be submitted to EDHEC by 1 December
More information:

EIFFEL and EDHEC scholarships cannot be combined.



  • French Embassies around the world offer a number of scholarships to excellent students. 
    More information: Please contact the Cultural Service of the French Embassy in your country 
  • Campus France is a French national agency for the promotion of higher education, international student services and international mobility. It manages CampusBourses, a grant search engine that is an essential tool for financing your education in France.

For more information, please see the CampusBourses grant search engine. 















  • Apply to: Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst e.V. (DAAD), Referat 312, Postfach 200 404, D-53134
  • BAföG (for MiM programmes)










































  • Prodigy Finance for loans to international postgraduate students attending top universities (not applicable to Master in Management students): more information
  • Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) for American citizens only: more information
  • Graduate PLUS Loans: more information (part of FAFSA)
  • Lendwise (alternative to Prodigy Finance): education loans in GPB, for tuition fees only: more information.

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Programme Insights

My career opportunities | EDHEC Business School

Hi, my name is Ranan and I am a Master's in Management student in the business management track. 

[Music] Campus Life. Ranan Parashar. My Career opportunities thanks to EDHEC.

This is what I really appreciate about the Career Centre: they really read each and every profile in a detailed manner, to make the best out of it, and make sure that you land an internship/job currently.
I'm in my second gap year internship, and I'm interning as an M&A marketing and consumer engagement assistant at Sol de Janeiro. For my first internship, I worked as a PR and media consultant at TBWA corporate.

Gap year is a time to completely learn about yourself, to figure out what really drives and inspires you. You will be in a professional working environment, where you will meet a lot of new people every day. And they will help you understand the business culture of the industry where you intend to go in the future. And lastly, and I cannot stress this enough, it's a great opportunity to develop your skill sets. It's something that you cannot learn in the classrooms. Also EDHEC alumni network is very vast and very well established in the respective sectors. Just to give you a quick example, my current manager, she's an EDHEC alumna and in one of the meetings that we had, a few weeks ago, and this is something that I feel really proud of, is the fact that out of the six people in the meeting... three were from EDHEC. So that is something really commendable, that really shows you how widespread we are and how successful we are.

[ What advice would you like to share? ]

Try to get into one of the student associations at EDHEC. There are plenty to choose from, and all are working on some phenomenal causes. I was in EDHEC Nations Unies, or EDHEC United Nations and I worked in the creative and communications department or the "com' crea". The work there helped me enter one of the most creative phases of my life, and what I learned from there, in terms of video making or in terms of, you know, creating digital assets... all the skill sets that I learned over there, you would not believe it, but this is something that is part of my job routine now.

[What was your experience with EDHEC International Student Office (ISO)?]

I am really satisfied with what ISO has done for me personally, and for the students in general. You know, whether it be an issue with my visa, or my rent in France. You know, ISO has always been there. They are just an email away, and just to give you a quick example: me and my friends, we decided to stay back on the campus during the first lockdown in France. We stayed in the student's residence. The amount of health and moral support that the ISO has shown during those times really shows the fact that they really care about their student's well-being. And that is something, since we were so far away from our family, they understood our needs and requirements. And I'm so very happy that, you know, EDHEC takes such good care of their students.

[Music] Make an impact. EDHEC logo.

My academic and professional journey | EDHEC Business School

[ringtone] Difei Guo. Graduate Master in Management.

I'm from the northeast of China, a place that is near Russia, Japan, Korea and super cold in winter, minus 30 degrees.
My dad is a doctor, my mom is a nurse. I went to the University of Nottingham. It's a British university and I chose the major of international business, because I kind of want to explore the business world. So I can figure out what I like, what I don't like.

At that point, I kind of realised my passion in marketing and branding, and I also have this urge to explore another culture. During my study in the university of Nottingham, actually I did that exchange programme in France. It’s in that semester, I really like French language and culture, and like the lifestyle here. Especially the arts and the museum. Since it's always something I really enjoy. So I decided to take a master's program in France.  That's why I met EDHEC. It's really a top business school with this three year master’s programme, to not only give me a double master's degree but it also gave me a one year chance to develop a career here. Have international working experience. So that's why I decided to take this opportunity and really start this journey.

The first year, we really dive into the business management work, have a master level understanding, which align with my formal experience. And second year, I have one year of professional experience. So I can take real life experience working in different industries, in an international environment. And then last year, I can choose the specialisation. So it really depends on what you understand in the previous two year experience. So far, I have a lot of opportunities. I got offers from China, from London… opportunities in Germany. Also I have finished my internship at Amazon in Luxembourg. So I would say, if I didn’t have that experience at EDHEC,  I wouldn’t have had this amazing opportunity from different countries. And I would say, it's really the strategic thinking in the second master I got, plus the international working experience, that really made my resume stand out.

Actually if you read the survey, the most friendly city in France is actually Lille. Especially for international students. It's a city near the border, very close, probably 30 minutes to Belgium and not far from the Netherlands, and also kind of close to the UK. You can take the Eurostar directly to London. So that position really gives international students a great opportunity to explore. Since you can have your career life, you can have your study life, but at the same time you can enjoy European culture. 

So I would say, EDHEC helped me to become a more authentic person and find my true value. Not to mention the support from the school, from the career centre and all the amazing schoolmates and alumni I have met during this three years’ journey. Every time, I push myself out there, put myself in danger, and then I grow. And I achieved something I could never imagine. So this will be my aspiration. I will keep doing the same thing in the future.

Make an Impact. 

FAQs of the Master in Business and Management

The EDHEC Master in Management is a top-ranked, two-year academic programme designed for students seeking to increase their general management skills. Also known as the Grande Ecole programme, it awards you a double degree: a Master in Management and Master of Science. After the first year of your master’s degree, you can gain a full year’s professional experience or undertake an internship and a six-month exchange at a partner university, before completing the second year of your master’s programme.
Our Master of Science degrees are specialised programmes targeted at students who wish to acquire new knowledge in a specific field or further strengthen their existing expertise. If you are a student on the Master in Management programme, you will also earn a Master of Science degree in the second year of your programme, when you choose your specialisation.

No. EDHEC’s Master in Management – Business Management is already a double degree programme, awarding graduates a Master’s in Management degree and a Master of Science degree. You will have the option to swap your EDHEC MSc for a qualification from one of our partner universities, by completing your Master 2 year at one of our partner institutions.

With a Master in Management – Business Management degree, you can pursue a range of diverse careers in international business. It serves as the perfect springboard for careers including corporate and social responsibility manager, marketing manager, digital marketing manager, business development manager. sales manager, corporate financier, business analyst, research analyst, HR manager, operations manager and many more.

The EDHEC Master in Management – Business Management programme takes three years in total – two years of academic study and one year of professional immersion and/or academic exchange with an international partner institution.

A master's in business management is highly valuable, offering a comprehensive understanding of business operations and strategic management. It equips students with both theoretical knowledge and practical skills necessary for leadership roles in various industries. At EDHEC, the Master in Management – Business Management programme is particularly robust, blending rigorous academic coursework with a full year of professional immersion or academic exchange, ensuring graduates are well-prepared for the business world. The programme’s strong connections with leading companies and the option to personalise the degree through various specialisations enhance its worth, making it an excellent investment for a successful career in international business.

Business management is the practice of overseeing business operations to ensure the efficient use of resources. It involves the coordination and administration of activities to achieve organisational goals. It is a dynamic field that combines strategic analysis and leadership across a wide range of disciplines. Business management focuses on planning, organising and controlling business activities such as strategy and commercial management,  risk management, financial management, , accounting management, each of which requires technical and soft skills.

Business management is a field that entails a comprehensive understanding of all components that make a company successful. It is not only about overseeing business processes, but also about ensuring that these processes align with the company’s goals. Financial management is strategic in this regard, by controlling budgets, allocating resources and planning to secure the organisation’s economic health.

The sector also encompasses a broad spectrum of activities ranging from operations to human resources. For example, the role of strategic management is to set long-term goals and ensure market responsiveness, through competitive analysis, ensuring not only the survival of the company, but also its growth. Project managers oversee the planning, execution and closure of projects, ensuring that they align with the business goals and are delivered within scope, time and budget.

Business management requires a range of soft skills, of which leadership is one of the most important. Being able to inspire and motivate team members is essential to keep a high productivity. Business managers also need problem-solving skills to come up with innovative solutions, as well as excellent communication skills to share their vision and ideas and ensure an excellent internal flow of information. Ethical considerations are also an important topic in today’s management, as consumers are increasingly concerned about the environmental and social impact of business activities.

A Master in Business Management is the best way for you to be ready to navigate the ever-evolving business landscape and to become a leading manager in your future company. If you want to start your own company, this is also a great way to prepare for your venture.

A business management degree provides an unrivalled springboard to a career that is both varied and rewarding. Not only will you gain a solid foundation in general business knowledge, but you will develop a specific business expertise depending on your specialisation, giving you a wide range of skills that will enable you to work in any industry, unlocking many career options. 

The value of studying business management comes from understanding the complex mechanisms that drive businesses and organisations. You will develop your strategic mindset and your ability to manage significant projects and teams efficiently. Your professional profile will be appealing for all types of companies.

Programmes in this sector will also help you develop strategic soft skills such as communication, leadership, adaptability, time management or emotional intelligence. Your business expertise and human qualities will help you move quickly up the career ladder to attain an executive function.

For example, you may become a business development manager. This position exemplifies what your future career may look like. In this role, you drive business growth through strategic planning and innovative initiatives. You will identify new business opportunities and build relationships with clients and partners. Your business initiatives will have a significant impact on long-term profitability and growth.

This is just one example, the opportunities after graduation will be diverse, thanks to your understanding of various functions such as marketing, finance, operations or human resources. You will also have the skills to become a marketing manager, where your role will be to develop and implement effective marketing campaigns to increase your company’s market share. Other positions that a degree in Business Management can prepare you for include operation manager, corporate and social responsibility manager, business analyst, consultant, etc.

Business management also provides a solid foundation for aspiring entrepreneurs. Your in-depth knowledge of the sector and your strategic skills will be invaluable to start your own company.

Choosing a programme such as EDHEC Business School’s Master in Business Management will make you a top business leader and prepare you for high-profile roles, setting the stage for a successful and exciting career.

A Master in Business Management is usually a two-year programme designed to broaden your academic knowledge and develop your practical skills to prepare you for a management career. The curriculum combines rigorous theoretical coursework with practical application, providing a valuable learning experiencein organisational contexts. 

At EDHEC Business School, the duration of our Masters in Management differs. We offer a three-year programme, with the second year entirely dedicated to professional immersion. Working as part of your studies will allow you to gain significant industry experience, which is extremely valuable to find your first job. This phase will be transformative for your professional profile and will help you to refine your goals. Indeed, it comes after the first year when you learn fundamental skills and before the final year, when you choose a specialisation. This year of work will be decisive to select the best one to achieve the management career you want.

Becoming a future leader is one of the objectives the programme prepares you for, along with top positions in management (marketing, business development, human resources, etc.). To do so, you will develop advanced skills such as strategic management, corporate finance, managing human capital, corporate social responsibility, project management, etc. To enhance your profile, the Master of Business Management also allows you to choose a competitive specialisation (such as Global & Sustainable Business, Marketing Management or Data Analytics & Artificial Intelligence).

An institution offering a Master in Business Management usually has connections with the business world. For example, EDHEC Business School has close ties with leading companies (Capgemini Invent, Microsoft or Ubisoft, to name just a few). Such partnerships ensure that the programme is regularly updated and remains relevant to industry trends and what employers are looking for in business graduates.

A Master in Business Management is the perfect degree to pursue if you want to start an executive career at the top of the decision-making process or if developing a business is your professional goal.

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In June 2024, master’s students from various prestigious institutions converged…

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