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Discover the results of the 2nd Barometer on connected health

April 2024 - Bristol Myers Squibb France and EDHEC Business School unveil the results of the second wave of the Barometer on connected health carried out by the IPSOS polling institute.

Reading time :
26 Apr 2024
Découvrez les résultats du 2e Baromètre de la santé connectée

Launched in January 2023, the Barometer on French people's perceptions of connected health has just been supplemented by a second wave (April 2024) based on a representative national panel of 1,000 French people aged between 18 and 74.


Bristol Myers Squibb and EDHEC Business School, via the Management in Innovative Health chair, have entrusted IPSOS with the regular updating of this Barometer, with the aim of providing players in the healthcare ecosystem with unprecedented data on changes in French people's behaviour and perceptions of digital healthcare solutions.


As indicated in the press release (in French) accompanying the unveiling of the results, this second wave reveals "a cautious evolution in perceptions and uses". The main trends are :

  • a low and declining use (24%) of connected health tools by people with chronic illnesses in the monitoring and management of their disease;
  • a certain lack of enthusiasm for connected tools - 1 in 5 people are ready to use everything that exists in terms of connected health, and 7 out of 10 are ready to make greater use of connected health in general (6 out of 10 in the 55-74 age group).
  • limited trust in public and private hospitals when it comes to connected health - only half of those questioned consider public services to be legitimate in offering digital therapeutic services; 41% think the same of private services.


>> Read the press release (in French) on this 2nd Barometer.

>> Download the full Barometer "Perception des Français sur la santé connectée – 2e vague, avril 2024".

>> Read the EDHEC Vox interview with Loick Menvielle, Professor at EDHEC and Director of the Management in innovative health chair, published in January 2023 when the first results were presented.


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