Feature article

Introducing EDHEC-Risk Climate Impact Institute

Last Monday, EDHEC Business School hosted an engaging session featuring Director of the EDHEC-Risk Climate Impact Institute,Frédéric Ducoulombier, CAIA, which was attended by some 300 finance master’s students. Introduced by Director of the Financial Economics track Professor Laurent Deville, the event discussed the mission and philosophy of the Institute, its ambitions and first research results.

Reading time :
5 Dec 2023
EDHEC Risk 2


The session described the research for business DNA of the Institute and its impact channels and delved into its double materiality research agenda which aims to both assist decision-makers with the assessment and management of climate risks and leverage financial tools to support the transition towards low-emission and climate-resilient economies.


It was also a unique occasion for students to directly ask questions about topical issues. Student questions clustered around current legislative efforts targeting sustainability, corporate sustainability reporting standards, climate damage modeling, and scenario analysis.


This allowed Frédéric to draw on the recent advocacy and research efforts by the Institute including its defense of the double materiality approach to sustainability reporting (see Frédéric’s op-ed in Sustainable Views “More meaningful corporate sustainability reporting required in business decisions”, long read interview "Sustainability Reporting and Material Delusions" in the latest issue of the Institute’s newsletter or rebuttal of the charges levied by ISSB Chair Emmanuel Faber – see op-ed in IPE “Viewpoint: A response to ISSB’s Faber’s ‘triple illusion’ criticism of double materiality”), incorporation of the advances of climate science into climate-economy modeling (which suggest that Paris Agreement temperature targets are economically optimal – see Riccardo’s IPE Supplement article “What integrated assessment models can tell us about asset prices”) and call for a new approach to scenario analysis (as hinted in EDHEC-Risk Climate Scientific Director Professor Riccardo Rebonato’s op-ed in the Financial Times  “We need new tools to predict climate risks” and detailed in the editorial of the Institute’s latest newsletter “Why We Need a New Generation of Climate Scenarios”).


Stay tuned for more updates on our initiatives and upcoming events! For a deeper dive into our work, visit https://climateimpact.edhec.edu/.



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