Team and contact

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+33 (0)3 20 15 45 60

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Sylvie Deffayet Davrout is a clinical psychologist, coach and doctor in Management. As a professor of management, she directs the chair. She has developed the Learning Teams™ pedagogy which rehabilitates the leader in his power to act. She campaigns for inductive and collaborative leadership pedagogies. She is the author of the book "Les clés de l'autorité ; renforcez votre légitimité de manager" (Eyrolles 2010). Her work focuses on the foundations of contemporary managerial authority, in particular Self Leadership, internal models of authority, followership, the art of questioning and the making of the reflective manager.




+33 (0)3 20 15 45 03

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Louise Henninot, deputy director to the EDHEC Leadership Development Chair, Organisational and Relational System Coaching (ORSC), MBTI practitioner, and trained in the pedagogies of the Leadership Chair, Louise coaches, facilitates and accompanies executives and students. Passionate about learning mechanisms, she also works as a pedagogical and multimedia engineer to design and implement innovative teaching methods. After 10 years in the retail and ISS sector, Louise joined higher education in 2015 to focus on what drives her deeply: "what is learning"?

Stéphanie DHULU



+33 (0)3 20 15 44 14


Stéphanie Dhulu is passionate about Human Resources. After working in Outplacement and Executive Recruitment in France and abroad, Stéphanie joined EDHEC in 2008 as a Traineeship and Corporate Events Officer for EDHEC BBA students. Since 2013, she has been coordinating the Chair's activities: administrative and logistical management of training courses, organisation of events (3 to 4 conferences per year, IP&M colloquium, 10 years of the Chair, etc.), coordination of the Chair's communication (various communication media).  She is also in charge of the department's budget and the administrative management of corporate partnerships.







Agathe Boullet has been working with EDHEC since 2011. Today, she works as a department assistant. She coordinates the administrative and logistical aspects of the seminars and electives of the Leadership and Managerial Skills Chair, the Criminal Risk Management Chair and the IT Department. She is also in charge of the organisation of the EDHEC Business Games and the EDHEC BBA.




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Inge de Clippeleer is Associate Professor of Management at EDHEC Business School. She holds a Master's degree in Educational Sciences from Ghent University (Belgium). Her research is in the field of organisational behaviour and focuses on teamwork - how individuals and teams proactively shape and organise work to better match their strengths and passions. She worked for a decade at Vlerick Business School, where she taught courses on self-management, career management, team management and leadership development for Masters and senior managers. In addition, she was responsible for the professional coaching of Vlerick MBA participants, and has extensive experience in coaching executives and teams.

Denis Dauchy



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Denis Dauchy, PhD, Director of EDHEC EMBA, Deputy Director of EDHEC Management Institute is a Professor of Strategy. He is involved in the MBA, Grande Ecole and MSc programmes and uses his teaching, business and consulting experience to help senior executives in France and abroad, notably for ADEO/Leroy Merlin, Air France, Bonduelle, the Auchan Group, Renault, etc. His topics of intervention include corporate strategy, business models, complexity management and corporate governance. Denis publishes regularly: his latest book "7 steps to a solid business model" was published by Dunod in 2010.



The Chair can count on an enlarged team of experienced collaborators with extensive experience in the world of business, management, consulting and training :

Claire Bauduin



Claire Bauduin has been working in the field of HR for 15 years. She works on the growth of people within companies and schools on an individual basis and has been practising pedagogical engineering since 1997. Claire has been in charge of internal audits, training and coaching for Usinor Sacilor, Auchan, Démos, La Redoute (Redcats) and Veolia Environnement. She has a degree in Information and Communication Engineering and is a Master Practitioner in NLP. She is also trained in the practice of Relaxation, Clowning and Theatre.







Béatrice Bollengier, Coach, Trainer, HR Consultant, is driven by the human element in the conduct of her missions. At the heart of the vision and implementation of the strategy, she alternates between individual and collective work. With a Master's degree in Economics and Social Policies and a Master's degree in Clinical Psychology, she has built up a whole range of experience, particularly in HR consultancy firms and in all areas: from recruitment to professional transition, via project management. A certified coach with Transformance, she is qualified in the SOSIE and MBTI methods and tools. Trained by the Institute of NeuroCognitivism (INC France), she draws on the field of neuroscience applied to the understanding of human behaviour. She develops new approaches, particularly in management, using adaptive intelligence.

Stéphanie GHEYSEN

Stéphanie Gheysen, after spending more than 20 years abroad as part of her studies and professional life (Canada, UK, France, Hong Kong, South Korea, Singapore), Stéphanie founded her own coaching firm, S'SENS (Essence) in 2017, mainly dedicated to accompanying expatriate spouses during the various stages of expatriation. A graduate of the Catholic University of Louvain (Belgium) in Economics and Criminology and holder of a Master's degree in Change Management from INSEAD Business School, Stéphanie is also an ICF certified Executive Coach and MBTI I&II certified. Stéphanie also teaches Organisational Behaviour in the BBA and Executive programmes of EDHEC.







Loïc Deconche has been working for over 20 years as a cross-functional influencer in large international organisations (banking/finance, consulting, industry, services). Successively project manager in information systems, organiser, purchasing coordinator and then HR assistant, Loïc combines his operational experience of the dynamics of change in companies with his ability to listen and put things into perspective in order to pay more attention to what is emerging. As a coach, he accompanies individuals and teams in the development of their relational posture in regulated and complex environments.

Nathalie DUCRAY






Nathalie Ducray, a 1994 Edhec graduate, has held positions as a key account engineer, sales manager and assistant marketing manager in companies such as France Télécom, Canal+ and TDF. Passionate about people, she turned to coaching in 2008. Certified PCC by the International Coach Federation, trained and certified in individual coaching (Co-Active) and systemic coaching (ORSC), as well as in MBTI step 1 & 2 and DISC, Nathalie now lives in London. She coaches and trains individuals and teams in companies of all sectors, in local authorities and administrations, in Europe and Africa, in English and French. She is involved in the Edhec Grandes Ecoles programmes and in programmes dedicated to partner companies.







Sylvie Faisandier. Working in France and abroad, Sylvie is committed to helping individuals, groups and organisations develop their autonomy in order to carry out their projects or make sense of the challenges they face, while respecting their vision and context. From an initial experience in the aeronautics industry, she has kept a taste for complexity and since then, it is with curiosity and the desire to contribute to the good life together as well as to performance that she has been offering her services in coaching, training, training engineering and facilitation for the past 20 years.

Patrice GOBERT






Patrice Gobert, Senior Lecturer, invited to the Louvain School of Management (LSM) in Belgium and also consultant, trainer and coach in companies, teaches the course Behaviour and Organisation at EDHEC. He works in companies (Renault, IBM, Carrefour, BNP Paribas, ING...), local authorities (Brussels, Luxembourg...), administrations (hospitals, health services, the European Community), associations. 
He has a degree in Work and Organisational Psychology as well as in Management. He created and manages the company in Brussels.







David Chouraqui, David is an ICF (International Coaching Federation) certified coach and founder of WINGMIND, a coaching and strategy consulting firm specialising in 3 areas: team well-being and commitment, managerial practices and corporate strategy. With humanism, he accompanies leaders and management teams to help them progress and make their company successful. His specificity is his experience in business with 3 different perspectives: coach today, he was previously a financial investor and then an entrepreneur in the digital sector. He also teaches emotional and relational intelligence, corporate finance and entrepreneurship in higher education schools.  







Helga Lainé's fifteen years working for Austrian radio and television in Washington and then in Brussels have given her solid experience in international communication and media. Helga holds a degree in Economics, Commerce and International Communication from HEC Saint-Louis in Brussels. She also trained in coaching, NLP and Ericksonian hypnosis. She has always been passionate about human relations and has a great interest in multicultural mixing, exchanges and social interaction. For the past 12 years, she has specialised in the innovative practice of emotional management to encourage the emergence and development of soft skills, a real guarantee of well-being and individual and collective performance. Helga accompanies people and organisations in order to improve communication and management by drawing on the differences and the best of each person.







Jane de Montigny has been a coaching professional for over 15 years, working in a variety of contexts including business, social and educational settings, with a focus on alliance, recognition, systems thinking and the integration of change in the client. In addition, she has developed skills in training engineering, project management and management, as Founder and Director of the EFFC training school, The "Systemic Coach Facilitator" programme with Voice Dialogue was accredited EQA Practitioner by the EMCC, European Mentoring and Coaching Council in December 2014.

Patricia PLICHON






Patricia Plichon, after a career at Auchan as operational manager, then textile merchandising manager in France and textile product manager, is now an independent trainer-consultant. Patricia designs and runs training courses in managerial practices and change management and trains trainers and tutors. A graduate in management, certified in Transactional Analysis, NLP and MBTI, trained in Ned Hermann's Brain Preferences, Taibi Kahler's Process Comm and creative techniques, Patricia leads seminars and Learning Teams™ for the LCM Chair for students and companies.







Anne Vandendorpe has a background dedicated to human resources, during which she has alternated between consulting, operational and corporate positions. These positions have been held in SMEs and groups (Redcats), mainly in the industrial and retail sectors, with a focus on leading major social, economic and cultural changes. Within the framework of the firm Correspondances, which she created in mid-2015, she works with companies undergoing transformation on aspects of coaching, consulting and governance. She joined the EDHEC leadership chair in 2015 as part of the facilitation of Learning Teams™. Anne is an HEC certified executive coach and IFA certified independent administrator, an occupational psychologist by initial training.

Cécile PETIT






Cécile Petit is convinced that a fulfilling professional life depends on the quality of our relationship with ourselves, with others and with our work environment. Passionate about human dynamics, she helps people develop the resources to better understand themselves, interact with others and achieve in the world of work. A coach, work psychologist and mediator, she also has an initial business school background. She has several years of experience in companies as a change management consultant, recruiter and internal professional coach. She has worked internationally (France, Canada and Denmark) in various sectors. She is also co-founder with her sister Sophie Petit of the coaching agency "Bulles". She works in close collaboration with the Leadership Chair, leads seminars and conducts coaching for EDHEC students and corporate clients.







Juliette Tournand is a coach for managers and management teams in business and high-level sport, a trainer and speaker (AFCP), and a pioneer of benevolent management or cooperation management, which she launched in 2001. In 2007, she published La Stratégie de la bienveillance ou l'intelligence de la coopération, which has become a reference work, and won the Prix Spécial du Jury Innovation & Management RH&M 2010, with a 4th edition planned for 2019. She has been devoting her thoughts and practice to this subject for 17 years. She teaches at the University of Paris-Dauphine (Master 2 International Business), at the University of Burgundy (DU Mental Performance) and at the University of Lausanne. She herself graduated from EDHEC and then from INSEAD in Clinical Psychology of Organisations with the congratulations of the jury for her thesis: "What depends on us".

Séverine RABOUIN






Séverine Rabouin is a professional coach, trainer and consultant in human relations. Trained in Voice Dialogue, the Enneagram and MBTi, Séverine Rabouin specialises in supporting professional transitions and developing potential. After 15 years in the retail sector in HR functions and in a recruitment and mobility support firm, Séverine created her own structure, Talemploi, in 2014, eager to pass on her experience and skills to companies and higher education institutions.







Claire Laloyaux is a sophrologist, trainer, NLP coach, French referent for Potentialife and author of books for children. After a career in business as a food engineer, first as a buyer and then as a QSE manager, Claire realised that it was necessary to reintroduce emotional management into the heart of companies, management methods and, more generally, into individuals. For more than 13 years, she has been accompanying executives, managers and atypical populations in their search for meaning and personal and professional performance. Curious about everything, she is nourished by the exciting advances in the field of neuroscience and positive psychology and likes to enrich her practices through complementary techniques and exchanges and sharing with peers. This is what she found within the Leadership Chair team, with which she has been collaborating since 2020. She leads seminars and trainings in the framework of training programmes for students and companies.







Claire Boggio has been a Human Resources consultant since 2005, after more than 15 years in international industrial groups, in management control, auditing and then Human Resources. At the heart of the dynamics of change, she accompanies managers and teams who wish to develop their potential in the service of meaningful projects that respect the "human". Since 2015, she has been working with the Leadership Development Chair and is a coach in the EDHEC Executive programmes. A certified professional coach and career development consultant, she is also a seminar leader and facilitator. She is a graduate of ESCP and has a Master's degree in Career Counselling. She is MBTI and SOSIE certified.







Sylvie Portefaix founded Idanim Conseil in 2015, after 17 years spent at Philips in operational management positions, mainly in Business Development and Marketing. Her job is to create coaching and training systems aimed at developing "soft skills", in particular leadership, team or project management & communication. Sylvie is a certified Executive coach by HEC Paris, LEA® (Leadership Effectiveness Analysis), MBTI® and co-development. Trained in sytemic approaches, non-violent communication, and transactional analysis, she has also developed an original pedagogy on presence and speaking with performing artists.

Laurence BERLIE






Laurence Berlie, PhD, Coach, Practitioner in Emotional Intelligence and NLP, Facilitator in Relational Intelligence (CoreStrenghts). After an international career in sustainable development, Laurence turned to training and coaching and created the Aequatio practice to support individuals and teams in the management and human dimension of organisations. She works with SMEs, large groups and international cooperation organisations, in French, English and Spanish. She was the French Director of 6 Seconds, the largest emotional intelligence network in the world, from 2018 to 2021. She also teaches at EDHEC in the BBA and BBA Global on topics related to management and leadership.







Denis Bruneel, artistic teacher at the Lille Conservatory and at university. Cellist, trombonist, pianist, singer and arranger. Choir and orchestra conductor. Over 800 concerts of traditional, classical and contemporary music. Passionate about human relations, he develops his pedagogy in companies during seminars on physical and vocal skills to strengthen the listening and the commitment of his audience. His teaching is based on an awareness of the functioning of the phonatory apparatus and of what the body wants to express. The body and the voice, tools for authentic communication.