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[#dataviz] Climate change could be very costly for those who have invested in infrastructure

Noël Amenc , Associate Professor of Finance
Frédéric Blanc-Brude , EDHEC Infra and Private Assets Research Institute Director and CEO (Scientific Infra and Private Assets Ltd)
Abhishek Gupta , EDHECinfra Associate Director, Head of infraMetrics® Product Development
Bertrand Jayles , EDHEC Infra and Private Assets Research Institute Senior Sustainability Data Scientist
Darwin Marcelo , EDHEC Infra and Private Assets Research Institute Green Infrastructure Team Project Director
Leonard Lum , Data analyst, EDHECinfra
Qinyu Goh , EDHECinfra

Discover, through a dedicated carousel, the key points of the "Highway to Hell" study, published by the EDHEC Infra & Private Assets Research Institute in January 2024.

Reading time :
15 Jul 2024

Researchers at the EDHEC Infra & Private Assets Research Institute looked at the impact of different scenarios on thousands of infrastructure assets.

The risks of transition and physical risks will affect all installations, with varying degrees of intensity: energy and water, data centres, transport, etc. The total bill could run into hundreds of billions of euros, but could be limited if an "orderly" transition is implemented. Here are a few illustrations to illustrate the main findings of this research.


  • To access the full study "Highway to Hell - Climate change will cost hundreds of billions to investors in infrastructure": follow this link
  • To read the interview with Frédéric Blanc-Brude (Jan. 2024): "Extreme Climate risks for investors in infrastructure are enormous and largely remain unrecognise, but today they can be measured thanks to EDHEC research": click here
  • To read the article The Conversation / EDHEC Vox (Sept. 2023) "Extreme weather could burn many investment portfolios by mid-century": follow this link
  • To discover the EDHEC Vox article (May 2024) "Climate change: Why are infrastructure investors aware of the risk while failing to measure it?": click here

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Thank you to Datagora for producing this infographic!

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