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EDHEC Vox Podcast : Episode #1 – Criminal risks

Bertrand Monnet , Senior Lecturer, Holder - Criminal Risks Management Chair

Discover the first episode of the EDHEC Vox Podcast with Bertrand Monnet, Professor of the EDHEC Chair in Criminal Risk Management, and Jeanne Cormerais, a student at EDHEC.

Reading time :
14 Jan 2021

In 2019, nine out of ten businesses worldwide suffered a cyber attack. Behind this phenomenon lies the influence of the criminal economy, a strategic risk for businesses. Bertrand Monnet teaches students how to understand the risks in order to prevent them more effectively.

Bertrand Monnet has already produced a number of reports as a specialist in corporate criminal risks for well-known media such as Le Monde, Canal + and this year for a documentary in collaboration with Netflix and RMC découvertes. Enjoy your listening!


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