Ways to take action

Why feedback is a powerful tool for boosting individual and team performance

Julia Milner , Professor

In this article, originally published in HBR France, Julia Milner, EDHEC Professor, highlights the importance of feedback, which, if given constructively, can improve individual performance and that of colleagues.

Reading time :
23 May 2024

Are you helping your team to exploit its strengths to the full? It's at this stage that many managers stop to think. However, it is possible to go beyond current practice and make feedback an enriching and enjoyable experience for everyone, rather than a dreaded event.


The CTTP (Care, Technique, Two-Way Street, Positivity) framework is an excellent tool for providing quality feedback:

  • Care (Bienveillance) : Show a genuine interest in the person and their development.
  • Technique (Technique) : Focus on concrete, observable examples.
  • Two-Way Street (Réciprocité) : Encourage dialogue and be open to feedback.
  • Positivity (Positivité) : Favour a constructive and encouraging approach. Emphasise strengths and encourage efforts to improve.


1/ Care : a kind feedback

Preserving the other person's self-respect and self-esteem is essential during feedback. feedback. It's important not to belittle or humiliate the other person, even if there are critical points need to be addressed.


Benevolence begins by respecting the autonomy of the individual. It is essential to ask for permission to give feedback before embarking on it. This can be done by offering the feedback and leaving the other person free to accept or refuse it at the time. It's also important to choose the right moment for the discussion. Ask them ‘Would you be available to discuss a few observations?' to make sure that the person is receptive.


Create an environment conducive to constructive conversation. Choose a private for feedback. If this is not possible, plan a meeting in good time to avoid leaving the other person in a state of uncertainty and expectation. Giving critical feedback with kindness also means wishing the other person the best and taking an interest in their personal development. Have faith in the individual's ability to progress (« L'art du feed-back », by Delphine Tordjman, Gereso, 2020).


You should also provide support and follow-up. Don't leave the person alone with the suggestions arising from the feedback. Plan achievable actions together or end the discussion with clear points for reflection.


2/ Technique: mastering the art of feedback and feedforward

As a leader, it's important to familiarise yourself with new feedback techniques and to be aware of good practice in this area. For example, you should avoid overloading employees with too much information at once, focusing on aspects that can be improved and avoiding generalisations...


To read this article in full (in French), go directly to hbrfrance.fr



Photo by Madison Oren via Unsplash

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