
Diversity, Solidarity and Humanitarian

Develop is an association whose aim is to promote sustainable development within EDHEC and the Lille metropolitan area through a variety of means:

  • CSR consulting for other EDHEC associations: we provide them with our expertise by proposing solutions to make their events more sustainable.
  • Microfinance: thanks to our partner Initiative France, we take part in committees granting micro-loans to entrepreneurs who don't have the means to access traditional bank loans.
  • We promote the Social Solidarity Economy through our annual event: the FIR (Forum des Initiatives Responsables).
  • Finally, every year, 3 members of the association have the opportunity to go to Togo to work for an NGO, carrying out social microfinance missions for the country's development.

For further information, please visit our website:



20.09.2024 - EDHEC
Read the 9th issue of our EDHEC Vox newsletter
This month in the #EDHECVox newsletter, our professors and researchers present their ideas, initiatives and solutions on the vast subject of responsible entrepreneurship: "Entrepreneurs: with great potential comes great responsibility?"
19.09.2024 - PhD
The new EDHEC PhD in Finance cohort ready to embrace the challenges of PhD studies
"We are excited to meet our new PhD in Finance students in person on the Nice campus. Over the coming years, we will support them in becoming independent researchers by mastering the foundations of finance and the techniques of academic research,”…
18.09.2024 - Master
Welcoming the first cohort of the Master in Management - Data Science & AI for Business track
On September 2nd, EDHEC Business School proudly welcomed the inaugural cohort of the Master in Management - Data Science & AI for Business track at its Nice campus, where Victor Planas-Bielsa was introduced as the Programme Director. The day was…