Dionysos EDHEC

Leisure and Practical Life

Dionysos is a cultural association founded under France’s Law of 1901. Its mission is to enable EDHEC students to discover the art of wine tasting, the world of wine and the heritage associated with it. Dionysos organises tastings featuring prestigious names like Bollinger and Château Cheval Blanc, as well as cocktail events. Each year, the association manages all aspects of the launch of a champagne vintage, which involves choosing the producer, arranging a large-scale launch event, prospecting for the funds required by the project and selling bottles of the finished product. We also prepare a book retracing all our events during the year and write numerous articles on the world of wine. Lastly, Dionysos takes part in prestigious national and international tasting competitions, along with major universities such as Harvard and Oxford.



20.09.2024 - EDHEC
Read the 9th issue of our EDHEC Vox newsletter
This month in the #EDHECVox newsletter, our professors and researchers present their ideas, initiatives and solutions on the vast subject of responsible entrepreneurship: "Entrepreneurs: with great potential comes great responsibility?"
19.09.2024 - PhD
The new EDHEC PhD in Finance cohort ready to embrace the challenges of PhD studies
"We are excited to meet our new PhD in Finance students in person on the Nice campus. Over the coming years, we will support them in becoming independent researchers by mastering the foundations of finance and the techniques of academic research,”…
18.09.2024 - Master
Welcoming the first cohort of the Master in Management - Data Science & AI for Business track
On September 2nd, EDHEC Business School proudly welcomed the inaugural cohort of the Master in Management - Data Science & AI for Business track at its Nice campus, where Victor Planas-Bielsa was introduced as the Programme Director. The day was…