Publications - Marketing

Our professors publish in the best international journals and have multiple theoretical and empirical interests, such as consumer behaviour, digital marketing or CSR.

Our professors publish in leading journals such as Journal of Marketing, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Service Research, Journal of Business Ethics, etc. and are quoted in the international press such as the Financial Times or The Economist.



01.10.2024 - Article in a peer reviewed journal

Is it as Bad as it Looks? Judgments of Quantitative Scores Depend on their Presentation Format.

Journal of Marketing Research, Volume 61, October 2024, Pages 937 - 954

13.09.2024 - EDHEC publication

[Case by case #8] P. Daly et S. Ruaud - Fashion and responsible entrepreneurship: the story of La Gentle Factory

EDHEC VOX, September 2024

09.09.2024 - Article in a peer reviewed journal

Acceptable finger pointing: How evaluators judge the ethicality of blame shifting

European Management Review, September 2024

06.09.2024 - Article in a peer reviewed journal

Memories of tourism brands in virtual reality

Annals of Tourism Research, September 2024

06.09.2024 - Article in a peer reviewed journal

Responding to Cyberattacks: The Persuasiveness of Claiming Victimhood

Journal of Service Research, September 2024